China photographs mysterious cube on the moon labelled a ‘hut for aliens’

In one of the more bizarre recent lunar discoveries, the China National Space Administration, or CNSA, has discovered what appears to be a strange straight-sided object poking out of the surface of the Moon.

The cube-shaped feature has been spotted on the far side of the moon by China's Yutu-2 rover, with the object having appeared around 80 meters away from the rover's last overnight parking location.

The Chinese have now reportedly sent the rover in for a closer look at the object, which is thought to be sitting on the lip of a crater.

Conspiracies are rife, with many thinking it could be an alien crash site.

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The CNSA said: "This object pierced through the winding of the skyline, like a 'mysterious hut' that appeared out of thin air," the site said.

"There was a large 'baby' impact crater beside it.

"Was it a home built by aliens after the crash landing? Or is it the pioneer spacecraft of the predecessors to explore the moon?"

The Yutu-2 rover made history as the first-ever soft landing on the dark side of the moon when it touched down in January 2019, having left earth just under a month earlier.

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Disappointingly, it is currently thought the 'hut' is in fact a rock that has been lodged out of place by something impacting the moon's surface, likely another rock.

Speaking to Inside Outer Space, Philip Stooke, professor at the Department of Geography and Institute for Earth and Space Exploration at the University of Western Ontario said: "Yutu 2 will be a bit further on by now, moving towards that crater."

"Chinese media are very eager to find all sorts of strange things on the moon. We tend to think they are all tightly controlled and just repeat the party line, but there is a ton of stuff spinning every news item into a sensational headline… alien bases, millions of tons of priceless metals or unspecified substances, conspiracies about western interests in space and everything else."

He says, it's nothing more than clickbait.

Stooke added: "I am not surprised that a rock which, in low-resolution images, looks roughly square and is played up as a hut or other type of building."

"Scientifically, the rock could be interesting, and I expect it or nearby rocks on the crater rim to be studied in detail when they reach it early in 2022. But it won't look like a hut."

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