‘Dumbo’ baby goat born with 19-inch long ears – and they aren’t even fully grown

A bizarre baby goat dubbed 'Dumbo' has been born with 19-inch long ears, and they haven't stopped growing yet.

The young Nubian goat was born on the Nagra Farm in Karachi, Pakistan on June 5, and can't even manage to lift her ears off the ground.

Unfortunately, the kid's owner Muhammad Hassan Narejo missed a trick by not calling it Dumbo, instead opting for Simba which means lion in Swahili.

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Muhammad is hoping that the goat, now a local celebrity, will become world famous as he said: "We hope soon Simba will be a Guinness World Record holder."

He also confirmed that she's in good health despite her strange features.

There is currently no goat holding a world record for the longest ears, but surely Simba is in with a shout especially considering that the breed grows to be bigger than most other goats.

Nubian goats all have long ears compared to normal goats, but not as freakishly long as Simba's, which are possibly the result of a rare genetic mutation.

The breed are nicknamed lop-eared goats for obvious reasons.

Nubian goats' long ears are the result of years of evolution and help them deal with the scorching temperatures of Pakistani summers.

In some parts of the country, the mercury can hit as high as 47C, meaning that the animals need a larger surface area so they can dissipate heat quickly.

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Pakistan is the third-largest goat-producing country in the world, with around 54million of them on its farms.

Some breeds are raised for meat and some are used for both meat and milk.

Nubian goats produce a high-quality, high-butterfat milk, which can be drunk or used to make ice cream, yogurt, cheese and butter.


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