‘Embarrassing!’ PM unleashes fury as Germany ‘stands in way’ of sanctions to cripple Putin

German: Scholz sparks fury during talks with Putin

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The Prime Minister is said to be furious that Germany and the rest of the EU have been lagging behind Britain in targeting Russia’s energy sector with sanctions. He reportedly believes that the EU’s position is now becoming “embarrassing” after its foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell admitted it has paid €35billion (£29billion) to Russia for energy since the invasion of Ukraine. While the bloc has agreed on a coal sanctions package, it has spent weeks mulling over an oil and gas ban, which Germany has appeared particularly adamant not to do.

The UK, meanwhile, has agreed to phase out oil imports by the end of the year, and is eyeing up sanctions on gas.

Berlin has been one of the major voices in the 27-member union pushing back against cutting off these imports, arguing that it would be too damaging for the German economy (it gets half its gas from Russia).

On Tuesday, Germany, Austria and Hungary managed to exempt oil from a sanction package after arguing including it would ramp up inflation.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, has accused Germany of “standing in the way” of tougher punishments for Russia.

After evidence of Russian war crimes in the town of Bucha surfaced, the bloc indicated that it will go tougher on Russia with its fifth sanctions package.

But Germany’s Vice President and Economics Minister, Robert Habeck, still argues that this cannot happen overnight.

He said: “We are working every single day to create the preconditions and to pave the way towards an embargo.

“This is also, in the view of the federal government, as well as in my own opinion, the way forward and one which harms Putin on a daily basis.”

The European Parliament has also unleashed its fury at the European Commission for not immediately banning oil and gas imports from Russia.

It comes after MEPs voted toverwhelmingly in favour of immediately cutting off Russian fossil fuels in the EU Parliament yesterday.

But a Downing Street source reportedly told Politico that ministers do understand that slashing energy ties with Russia could put the German economy at risk.

They added that the UK was willing to support Germany in its transition away from Russia’s energy imports.

But even the package to sanction coal, which the bloc largely agreed upon,
has faced some opposition from Berlin.

As well as being one of the most dependent on Russia’s gas, Germany imports the most coal from Russia in the entire bloc.

And after pushback from Berlin, the sanctions package will not be slapped down until mid-August, a month later than initially proposed.

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The Prime Minister is also set to discuss potential coordination on tank deliveries with the German Chancellor.

The UK has been teetering over sending more tanks to Ukraine, while Mr Scholz has been delaying a final decision on shipping 100 tanks.

Despite pressure from members of his Government, the Chancellor reportedly argues that a common position should first be reached with Western allies, according to Politico.

This could be announced in a joint press conference between the two leaders later today.

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