Energy crisis: Penny Mordaunt could win keys to No10 with vow to slash costs for millions

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Over the past year, the energy crisis has become one of the biggest concerns for everyday Britons, as household bills are expected to reach in excess of £3,200, according to some estimates. In light of this, many Conservative MPs looking to become the next Prime Minister have vowed to focus on the cost of living crisis, with several announcing plans to slash green levies and fuel tax. According to a new poll by Fairfuel UK, a campaign group for drivers, Trade Minister Penny Mordaunt’s promise to cut fuel duty by 50 percent to help people “struggling to get to work and school” has won her a lot of support from voters.

In a survey of 40,000 voters, Ms Mordaunt took the lead with 18.4 percent of the votes, followed by Liz Truss at 12.5 percent and Suella Braverman at 10.7 percent.

Former Chancellor Rishi Sunak, who has secured the backing of nearly 40 MPs, is ranked fifth in the poll at 9.5 percent, behind Tom Tugendhat.

Ms Mordaunt also pledged that the VAT cut would remain in place until at least April 2023, and would be funded by the increased revenues gained from inflation.

Howard Cox, Founder of FairFuelUK said: “The MP that backs cutting fuel taxation, introducing PumpWatch and making the CMA do their job to expose the opportunistic profiteering in the fuel supply chain will get most drivers’ votes.”

“Penny has been a staunch and loyal backer of UK’s 37 million drivers and as an MP, is a founding campaign supporter of FairFuelUK.

“I have known her for 12 years and truly believe she will deliver on the need for lower and fairer fuel taxation.

“She tells me she will introduce fairer incentives to drive cleaner, instead of inflicting ill-informed cliff edge idealistic and costly punitive bans.

“I am also certain she will bring a large dose of ‘common-sense fiscal tactics’ to reduce the pain of the current cost-of-living crisis.

“Our leadership survey shows she is a very popular choice to lead her Party to what millions of new Tory converts wanted so badly, when Boris was the breath of fresh air back in 2019.”

The survey also highlighted the priorities of Conservative voters, with an overwhelming 83 percent demanding that fuel duty be cut by at least 20p per litre.

Meanwhile, 80 percent wanted VAT on all fuels to be slashed in half, and 78 percent demanded that the next leader stop the Net Zero plans set in place by Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Will Hodson, Consumer Champion at How To Save It said: “We do not have to choose between climate change and cost of living.

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“Anyone who can cut Britain’s carbon emissions will also cut our bills. British voters understand that, which is why polls have repeatedly shown that breaking promises around net zero will cost the Conservative Party votes.

“Net zero makes economic sense. With gas and oil prices soaring around the world, we must generate more renewable energy here in Britain.

“Forward-thinking Tory candidates recognise that our net-zero targets are not only backed by science, but necessary and achievable.”

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