EU tears itself apart over Russia – chaos erupts as minister ‘struggle’ to agree sanctions

Russia: Putin could start ‘nuclear armageddon’ says Ostalski

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US President Joe Biden has said there is “total unanimity” with European leaders over Russia’s troop build-up on the border with Ukraine. It comes after he held a video call with European allies on Monday as Western powers aim for a common strategy against Russia’s actions. But privately, things in the EU could not be further from unified, according to reports.

Politico reports that EU foreign ministers are “struggling to portray a united front against Russia” over internal disputes.

A senior Central European official said that “there is a unity that sanctions are necessary” but that “what sanctions specifically — remains to be seen”.

It comes after new German Chancellor Olaf Scholz signalled for the first time that Germany would implement penalties on Nord Stream 2 if Russia attacks Ukraine.

The controversial gas pipeline will deliver supplies from Russia to Germany, bypassing Ukraine and Poland.

It has come under severe criticism from many inside the EU who say it will, and is, being used as a “political weapon” by the Kremlin.

Mr Scholz said his government “stands by all aspects” of a deal his predecessor Angela Merkel reached with Mr Biden last year.

Under the deal, Germany promised to take action at the national level and press for EU sanctions should Russia “use energy as a weapon or commit further aggressive acts against Ukraine.”

The UK has warned Russia of “swift” and “unprecedented” sanctions if an incursion takes place.

Russia denies plans to invade Ukraine, despite massing some 100,000 soldiers.

A Downing Street spokesman said last night Western leaders “agreed on the importance of international unity in the face of growing Russian hostility”.

Should a further Russian incursion into Ukraine happen, they agreed that “allies must enact swift retributive responses including an unprecedented package of sanctions”.

Earlier on Monday, Washington said some 8,500 combat-ready US troops are on high alert to deploy at short notice.

But they would only be deployed if the NATO military alliance decides to activate a rapid-reaction force, “or if other situations develop” around the Russian troop build-up, said Pentagon press secretary John Kirby.

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There are no plans to deploy to Ukraine itself, he added.

Mr Johnson was quite frank about the “gloomy” intelligence he had received over the Ukraine crisis.

He said: “The intelligence is very clear that there are 60 Russian battle groups on the borders of Ukraine, the plan for a lightning war that could take out Kyiv is one that everybody can see.

“We need to make it very clear to the Kremlin, to Russia, that that would be a disastrous step.”

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