Europe heatwave sparks panic as food prices could soar over BURNING CROPS

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Western Europe is currently gripped by an unprecedented heatwave over the past week, with over 1,900 people dying in Spain and Portugal from heat-related causes. Meanwhile, in the UK, homes across the country were scorched while grasslands were set ablaze as Tuesday marked the UK’s hottest day ever on record. But as temperatures soar due to a worsening climate crisis, experts have warned that the heatwave could add further fuel to the food crisis.

In response to Europe’s extreme heatwave, Stefan Schmitz, Crop Trust’s Executive Director told “Current reports of likely harvest losses due to prolonged heat and drought in southern Europe raise fears that the global food crisis is being further fuelled.”

“One specific example is the potato. The CIP-Mathilde, a climate-resilient potato variety developed by the International Potato Center with support from Crop Trust, can withstand extreme heat conditions and late blight.

“Late blight is the same disease which caused the Irish famine and which is becoming more widespread due to the warming climate.”

The heatwave could aggravate the food crisis that began during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, as both countries, which are major exporters of wheat, halted supplies to the rest of the world.

While Moscow is unable to export grain due to Western sanctions, Russian forces have blockaded Ukraine’s ports from exporting.

As a result of the food shortage, the EU Commission had recently downgraded its soft-wheat harvest estimates from 130 million tons to 125 million tons.

While Russia’s invasion may have played a major role in the food crisis today, Mr Schimtz warned that climate change is only going to make this crisis worse.

He said: “The extreme heat that Europe is currently facing is a loud alarm bell: our food system is in trouble.

“Just three crops – wheat, maize and rice – make up nearly half of the world’s food supply.

“All are vulnerable to extreme weather conditions like drought and heat.

“Without some help, many of our most beloved foods will not be able to withstand climate change, which is already leading to crop failures, rising food prices, and surges in hunger and malnutrition worldwide.”

Even in the UK, farmers this week warned that the heatwave was burning their crops, which could have knock-on effects on livestock

Speaking to ITV, farmer Des Allen said: “The grass is all gone, so we have to feed the sheep the winter rations to keep them going.

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“So that’s obviously added costs and as far as the pigs, it’s just a question of keeping them comfortable, making sure they have some pigs outdoors, making sure that they’ve got wallers to make sure they can have a mud bath, which pigs are really vulnerable to sunburn and that protects them for that.”

He also expressed fears over crops, warning that they are so dry that they’re like a giant tinderbox, where one small spark could set it all alight.

While countries need to tackle climate change to solve this food crisis long-term, Mr Schmitz also highlighted the importance of shoring up resilience against the impacts of climate change currently being faced right now.

He said: “We must invest in a food system that both contribute less to climate change, and is more resilient to it. We can’t do this without crop diversity.

“Plant breeders can use crop diversity to develop varieties that are more tasty and nutritious, can withstand pests and diseases, and remain productive in the face of a changing climate and with fewer inputs.

“The diversity between and within crops underpins the sustainability of the world’s food supply.

“And it’s not just wheat, maize and rice that need diversity to survive.

“Agriculture itself must diversify, which means more investment in fruits, vegetables, pulses, and lesser-known crops.

“We must protect the diversity of all crops, both in farmers’ fields and in seed banks. It’s the only way to a climate-smart agriculture.”

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