Expert explains why huge sea creature filmed chasing fisherman had glowing eyes

A sea expert has identified a “glowing-eyed sea beast” that frightened a fisherman last week.

Chilling video footage had captured the terrifying moment the animal seemed to chase after a fisherman as he desperately tried to flee in his speed boat at full throttle.

The unnamed fisherman caught the frightening footage as he raced away from the creature off the coast of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil’s most southern state.

The fisherman captioned the frightening 47 second clip, which he shared online, claiming the creature “wanted to attack me”.

In the terrifying footage, he is seen speeding across the water desperately trying to escape the unidentified beast.

The sea creature appeared to be a long, dark beast with glowing eyes as it chases after him.

However, despite people on the Internet claiming that it was some mysterious creature, possibly from another world, Pedro Henrique Tunes Pereira has debunked the myths surrounding the creature.

The man, who works for the Brazilian government's National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, took to social media to say that it was likely just a “seal or a sea lion”.

He wrote: “Although the scene is frightening, the man was in no danger.

“This strange sea creature, frightening in the midst of the darkness, is actually a pinniped – a seal or a sea lion.

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“Seven species of these animals frequent the state, some with scary sizes and appearances – such as the leopard seal, an animal of up to 4 meters that can occasionally visit in the region and a possible guess for the organism in the video.”

Pinniped means fin or flipped-footed mammal that has front and rear flippers.

As well as seals and sea lions, this also refers to walruses.

He added: “Curious by nature, pinnipeds often follow boats, especially at night.

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“Their glowing eyes reveal their ability to see in the dark, as this glow comes from a structure known as Tapetum Lucidum – a membrane inside the eye present in nocturnal animals, which helps to capture a greater amount of light from the environment.

“Now that you know who this creature is, the video just got cuter, didn't it?”

Cats also have the special membrane, which is why pictures taken of the animals at night often look like they have lights shining out of their eyes.

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