First ‘Loch Ness Monster sighting’ of 2022 recorded after three-month drought

A Nessie hunter has recorded the first official sighting of 2022 after claiming to have spotted 'two objects moving parallel to each other' across Loch Ness.

Eoin O'Faodhagain is a veteran spotter and regularly records sightings via the loch's webcam, the Daily Record reports.

The Irishman's first sighting of the mysterious 'monster' in 2022, has ended over three months of no official sightings after it was marked on the Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register.

The Co Donegal resident, who had his first sighting back in 1987, was watching the webcam live stream last Wednesday afternoon (March 23), when he spotted something unexplained.

He explained that it appears to be two objects "moving parallel to each other across the middle of the screen".

The 57-year-old shared the video capture of the virtual sightings, which show strange dark shapes moving about on the surface of the loch.

When one person commented that the clip could just be of a log or some debris, Eoin responded: "The more northerly object takes a sharp turn to the left leaving an unusual wake, you would have to rule out a log or debris, and it is not consistent of a seal to react in such a manner."

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Inverness-based Register keeper Gary ­Campbell, who has recorded more than 1,136 alleged sightings of mystical Nessie over the past 26 years, recently stated that the start of the year and the end of winter is usually quiet time for the monster.

He added that didn't mean they haven't had any reports in 2022, far from it, but much like the majority of claimed sightings if they are explainable they don't make it into the register.

It appears the latest video was deemed credible enough to be unexplainable and therefore has been added to the list.

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