Fusion rocket will allow us to ‘leave Solar System and conquer own planets’

A fusion rocket breakthrough could allow humans to leave the Solar System and claim their "own planets" in the future, according to its founder.

Visionary entrepreneur Richard Dinan wants to help humans inhabit other planets in the Milky Way – and fast.

His company Pulsar Fusion is attempting to harness the power of nuclear energy in space to halve the time it takes to get to Mars. He also wants to use the methods to discover the secrets beyond our Solar System.

Speaking to Science Digest on YouTube, the former Made In Chelsea star, 35, said: "In the Milky Way there are believed to be billions of habitable planets orbiting G-type stars like ours.

"That doesn't mean that they've got people on them, but it means that they could support life. We're living in a world now where maybe the entrepreneurs of the future can own their own planets.

"To do that, they will need very, very fast rockets. That may sound like a ludicrous thing to say, but we are almost there – Mars has got quite a keen interest."

Mr Dinan wants to replicate the fusion process used by stars like our Sun, the “holy grail” of energy sources, reports Express.

Unlike nuclear fission – the powerful reaction that led to the creation of nuclear weapons – fusion takes two light atomic nuclei to combine to form a single heavier one while releasing massive amounts of energy.

This opens up the possibility to create "limitless" energy here on Earth – so experts across the globe are currently racing to harness it.

But, Mr Dinan says, the "other big promise that fusion gives us is to leave our Solar System".

He added: "If we can do fusion, it means we can power our planet cleanly forever and it means that we can actually leave our Solar System.

"Pulsar knows we can build a fusion rocket engine well before anyone builds a fusion power station."

Mr Dinan hopes to harness "the most powerful force we've ever seen" to dramatically increase fuel density and temperature.

He said: "It means that a mission to Mars could be reduced by half – we think we can get 350km/second.

"The other thing is going beyond our Solar System – the further you go the more benefit you get.

"Mars may be your first spot, but there is a star system called Alpha Centauri that is 4.2 million light-years from Earth.

"You are never, ever going to be able to get there by setting fire to things – but a fusion engine can do it in 11 years."

Pulsar Fusion has already tested its plasma engines that will be used to get their rocket into space.

They plan to test its nuclear reactor on Earth next year.

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