Ghost whisperer shares what spirits look like and how her ‘mind’s eye’ sees them

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A ghost whisperer has shared how she could "see" spirits among us as she described them as "blips" in the air.

Amie Balesky, 33, from Texas in US, discovered her ability to communicate with ghosts after having four near-death experiences.

"My gifts went insane! The connection with spirits grew, my clients grew, my experiences grew," she detailed in a TikTok video.

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In one post she shared in June, she said her "mind's eye" sees very differently than her physical eyes when it comes to spotting spirits.

"Today I had to get some testing and imaging down at a hospital. The place where I get the imaging done was in the cancer centre of the hospital," Amie said.

"There were all these people waiting in the waiting room, to get their screening done.

"And let me tell you the air was thick…

"Everybody almost has this radiation around them, it's like a static, that's what I like to call your aura – like your electromagnetic field and you have these other blips that are around you.

"That's what spirit is, almost like positive or negative distubances and if you can tap into those spirits and that is what channeling is."

Amie said through her mind's eye, she has learned what male or female looks like, what father/mother/child relationship looks like.

"I've learned what their different colours mean – not just on your aura but how they present themselves.

"I've learned how spirit feels that they're really concerned about what you're going through, or if you're just worried about it and they know you're gonna be okay.

Amie then clarified in the comments and siad the spirits are "like a disturbance, like waves with colors and feelings".

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She added: "Spirit cannot manifest themselves fully in physical eyes. It’s very difficult."

Some viewers who claimed to have the ability as a medium said they see spirits differently.

One shared: "My friend is a medium she said spirits look like regular people sometimes you can’t even tell they’re dead."

"My daughter says it's like a graey shadow with a white 'outline', sometimes different colour," another wrote.


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