Holidaymaker catches 'UFO soaring through a thunderstorm at 2,000mph'

Holidaymaker in disbelief after taking incredible footage of a ‘UFO soaring through a thunderstorm at 2,000mph’

  • Carmen Rich, 29, sighted a ‘UFO’ at a Florida beach, seconds before it disappeared into the distance
  • READ MORE: Green fireball caught on Louisiana Ring camera sparks UFO panic in town – as locals say ‘that’s an alien ship’ 

A man was on a family holiday at Fort Lauderdale Beach, Florida, when he saw what he claims is a UFO soaring through a thunderstorm at 2,000mph. 

29-year-old Carmen Rich was waiting to move bars when he decided to record the off-shore storm at around 8pm on June 17.

He was simply filming a storm off the coast of Fort Lauderdale Beach in June when he was confronted with the so-called UFO.

His startling footage shows what he claims to be a UFO appear then disappear within a second before stunned Carmen says ‘wow, did you see that just shoot across?’.

While capturing the footage, he was so in awe that he asked if anyone else saw it, before ending the video to view it because ‘he ‘wondered if he was crazy’.

29-year-old Carmen Rich was waiting to move bars when he decided to record the off-shore storm at around 8pm 

He was in so much shock that – not expecting to see a UFO while watching a thunderstorm, that he rushed to show bystanders, including his stepsister Jennifer Rich, 20. 

The financial analyst who was left ‘scared’ after seeing a ‘ball of light’ flying across the sky. 

‘The thing in the back was a plane and that’s where you can get a gauge for how fast this thing was. Jennifer turned around, blinked and then missed it. 

‘I showed some local guys and they said they’d never seen anything like it before in their life.’ 

Carmen, from Boston, Massachusetts, said: ‘It was the fastest thing I’ve seen in my entire life and if it was going that fast I figured it would be making some type of noise but it didn’t’.

The shocked man added: ‘I was on vacation so I was supposed to act normal but that night I actually was scared.

‘I saw it past the phone with my own eyes. I shouted immediately and ended the video because I wanted to see if I actually did get it. I wondered if I was crazy. 

He decided to post his surreal findings to Facebook, where it’s earned more than 500 reactions – but users disagree whether it was extraterrestrial or not.

One user commented: ‘Wow, That was incredible!’

A second speculated: ‘They [aliens] love thunderstorms. This is how they charge their flying ships. I have also seen, photographed and filmed it several times myself’.

Circled here is the UFO 29-year-old Carmen Rich claims to have sighted 

A Boston man was on a family holiday in Florida when he caught sight of a ‘UFO’ soaring through a thunderstorm at 2,000mph

A third said: ‘Wow, I had to take a double look when you mentioned it, that’s crazy! Good catch!’

‘I saw it past the phone with my own eyes. I shouted immediately and ended the video because I wanted to see if I actually did get it. I wondered if I was crazy. 

Describing himself as a logical person, Carmen asserts that what he saw was a UFO, insisting it’s ignorant to deny the prospect of other life on Earth. 

‘I’m not sure what type of drones go thousands of miles per hours.

READ MORE: UFO hearings ‘ridiculous’ says Star Trek legend William Shatner

‘I’m glad I had that type of experience versus a closer one that other people say they’ve had.

‘I believe it was a UFO. It could have been human, it could have been non-human but it was an unknown flying object.

‘I don’t know if it’s an alien craft. I don’t think we’re alone in the universe but I don’t think the government tells us all the technology that they have either.

‘I don’t know what it was but it was something the public won’t know about for a very long time if at all’.  

He responded to comments claiming it was just lightning by explaining there was no cracking sound and says it can’t be a drone because it was travelling a ‘couple of thousand miles per hour’.         

‘This seemed far larger than what ball lightning has been observed as well. It had to be the size of a sprinter van if I had to guess but at that speed who the heck knows!’

Another user said: ‘It may be a reflection of the car passing by, it happens exactly as the car passed by, or you never know what that could be. Maybe it is a UFO.’

Carmen replied: ‘I saw it with my eyes first then checked the video.’

‘It was much bigger with my own eyes. The camera shows a light ball but in person it looked much bigger’.  

Carmen admits he was left scared that night and believes what he saw was either an alien craft or technology the US government hasn’t shown the public.

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