Internet sickened by woman breast feeding six-year-old to ‘move love into him’

People on the internet have expressed their horror over a woman breast feeding her six-year-old son to "move love" into him.

A screenshot of a Facebook post from the mum was shared on Twitter by the "Didn't Happen of the Year Awards" account (@_DHOTYA). Her name and the face of the child were blurred out.

"This might actually be the worst thing I’ve ever read," was the caption of the Tweet.

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In the Facebook post, the mum described how her son, aged six years and five months, came to her asking to be breastfed.

She includes a rather disturbing quote that she claims came from her child.

Her post reads: "Oh my heart…

"This one asked for boobie at bedtime tonight, having not boobed for a few days.

"Just before he latched on, he shared these words of wisdom with me."

Those words of wisdom were as follows: "Boobie is not actually just milk. It's a device hat moves your love into me – and my love into you."

The mum signed the quote off with: "Joshua, aged six years and five months."

Predictably, Twitter users reacted with horror to both the alleged quote and the situation as a whole.

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One wrote: "I'm glad I've already eaten my dinner."

"Nothing wrong with breastfeeding a 77 month old baby," a second joked.

"Not sure about DHOTYA, but it's a dead cert for the 'I Really Hope This Didn't Happen of the Year Award'," another said.

A fourth said: "This’ll be such a sweet memory at his 18th birthday party."


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