‘Just mad!’ ‘Perverse’ heat pumps scheme to hike bills by £100 every year

What is the £5000 boiler heat pump payment?

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A report by the Climate Change Committee (CCC), the Government’s climate advisors, revealed that replacing gas boilers with heat pumps costs nearly £100 extra for households annually. This is because heat pumps’ running costs are 10 percent higher than gas boilers, as the CCC made clear. 

At a time when bills are already rising, the Government is scrambling for alternative sources to gas as international prices of the fuel surge.

And to press ahead with net zero, Westminster has set a deadline of 2035 for households to install a new boiler, after which point new boiler purchases will be banned.

But Mike Foster, CEO of Energy and Utilities alliance, has said that incentivising households to install heat pumps instead is “just mad”.

In an exclusive interview, he told Express.co.uk: “Government officials and Government targets are forcing people down the route of higher heating bills at the same time as people calling out for help with their energy bills.

“Despite the cost-of-living crisis, despite the situation in Ukraine having a knock-on effect on our energy bills – it’s just perverse.”

The Government has a target of installing 600,000 heat pumps a year by 2028.

But currently, more than 80 percent of homes still use gas boilers.

And with installation costs reaching £10,000 on average, the Government may have a difficult job of convincing households to make the switch.

Although Westminster is providing £5,000 grants to encourage property owners to install them, Mr Foster thinks few will be able to afford that 10 percent rise in running costs once installed.

“The only people that can benefit from this scheme are those who can afford to put the other £5,000 into the pot. I can’t imagine that there are that many people with that amount of cash who also voluntarily want to pay more for their energy.

“If you are a highly paid chief executive, you could probably afford that 10 percent at £100 a year more.

“But most people can’t. And the public count more than them.

“In times like this, with energy bills going up again in the autumn, during times of crisis, we look to the Government to help.

“While the Government has taken measures to reduce the bills that some people pay, you have another arm of Government pushing a policy that will force bills up on a permanent basis, and that is just mad.

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“You want the whole of Government to be focused on bringing down the cost to the consumer so that people are not being fleeced when paying for their heating.”

And Mr Foster called for a complete overhaul.

He said: “There has to be a reset. If now doesn’t make politicians sit up think that it is time for a reset, what will.

“And Daily Express readers are the ones who are going to be asked to pay £10,000 and then to pay £100 a year more. They are going to get really angry with any Government that comes knocking on their door with that suggestion, and they should be angry frankly.”

BEIS has been contacted for comment.

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