Man claims aliens gave him pancakes after UFO ‘landed in his back garden’

You may think your pancakes are out of this world, but one man claims to have been served up the real deal.

Chicken farmer Joe Simonton claimed he was visited by aliens at around 11am on April 18, 1961, and that they served him some intergalactic pancakes.

Mr Simonton, who was 60 at the time of the alleged encounter, was visited at his farm in Eagle River, Wisconsin, US, by an object which he saw landing in his garden.

He recalled hearing the sound of "knobby tires on wet pavement" and went to go investigate, he saw a metallic UFO-like object, which he described as appearing like two reversed bowls with "exhaust pipes" on its edge.

Mr Simonton said the object did not touch the ground and that after he opened a "gate" on its side, he was met with three aliens who had a height of 1.5 meters, wore black or navy blue clothing with turtleneck shirts and helmets.

Simonton told the press at the time that the crew seemed to be of "Italian descent" and about 25 or 30 years old.

One of the occupants gave the witness a "metallic" jar with two handles, indicating with gestures that he needed water for drinking, holding the jar to his mouth.

As a good host, Simonton agreed to the request and went to his house to fill the water jug, which he recalled as weighing "a bit more than aluminium".

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An Air Force report of the incident states: "Looking into the [saucer] he saw a man 'cooking' on some kind of flameless cooking appliance."

The "chef," who had red stripes on the pants, gave Simonton four hot cookies of about 7.5cm in diameter, with small holes.

And, like pancakes themselves, the evidence stacks up.

Astronomer J Allen Hynek was dispatched by the US Air Force to investigate following the incident.

He took one of the pancakes away for government analysis at the Air Force Technical Intelligence Center.

They found them to be made from flour, sugar and grease.

In a book which investigates the incident called The W-Files: True Reports of Wisconsin's Unexplained Phenomena by Jay Rath, the author writes: "It was rumored, however, that the wheat in the pancake was of an unknown type."

Dr Hynek wrote in his report: "There is no question that Mr Simonton felt that his contact had been a real experience."

The official Air Force verdict for the Simonton Pancake Incident labelled it as "Unexplained".

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