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An NHS surgeon has claimed a man was let off jail for paedophilia when doctors found a massive brain tumour capable of altering his judgement.
Dr Karan Rajan, who has 3.8 million followers on his TikTok channel, uploaded the video with the caption: "The tumour that created a p*edophile".
In it, he explains a "happily married" man aged in his forties began making sexual advances towards his 12-year-old stepdaughter, apparently out of the blue.
His wife investigated and found child abuse images on his computer and he was reported to the police.
Dr Karan says: "He was kicked out of home, and found guilty for molestation, and was due to be sentenced to prison.
"The night before sentencing, he was rushed to the ER with headaches.
"A brain scan revealed a large tumour in the right orbitofrontal cortex.
"This area controls social behaviour. Doctors said this caused his symptoms
"After the tumour was removed, his urges stopped."
Because of the brain tumour, the man was able to avoid being sentenced to prison.
The surgeon then asks his followers: "Did the tumour cause his paedophilia or did it reveal what was wrong all along?"
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One person commented: "I've known people who have had tumours. It really makes you a different person.
"It can be quite hurtful when it makes people aggressive."
But other people said there was no way the brain disease could have excused his behaviour and condemned his illegal actions.
One person wrote: "He acted on it so he's guilty. Doesn't matter if the tumour caused the urges."
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Someone else wrote: "Just because you have urges doesn't mean you should act on them, he knew it was wrong and still did it."
In a follow-up comment, Dr Karan said "psychologists agree that the tumour just stopped his ability to hide his urges and exposed what was there all along".
But he said the case illuminated a "grey area" in neuroscience and it was difficult to know what had really happened.
- TikTok
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