Man who can’t tell difference between his own twins comes up with clever trick

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A dad has told of a clever trick to help him tell the difference between his two identical twin babies.

Taking to Reddit, as one often does to confess these things, the man, who is not named, wrote that when the babies were first born “everything was fine”, but since he has returned to work and is spending less time with them he can't tell “who is who”.

He also confessed that the problem is made worse by his wife because “she insists on dressing them in the same clothes”, the Daily Record reports.

He wrote: “She thinks it's cute they share clothes.

“Ever since I've gone back to work I've had a lot of issues identifying them.

“Anytime I call one the wrong name my wife gets mad and ignores me for an hour.

“She spends all day with them everyday so she knows exactly which is which. I can't do that.”

So, in order to help himself out, and to avoid the anger of his wife, he began drawing on on of the children's hands so he can tell them apart.

He confessed: “Instead of my wife being mad at me, I drew a little dot (with a safe marker) on one twins right hand and one on the other's left hand and I made sure to have the names right. It started to work.

“I didn't have any issues identifying them, until my wife found out. She got really mad at me and left the house. A few days passed and she's still mad at me. Now I'm here wondering if I f***ed up.”

According to the Daily Record, more than 1,000 people commented on the post before it was removed, saying that the husband was “not in the wrong” and his wife should “be more sympathetic”.

One person wrote: “Your wife is going to have to get used to people messing up on identifying them until they get older.”

And another posed a good question.

They said: “I wonder if she can even tell them apart.

“How would you know if you got your twin babies mixed up?”

However, one user stood up for the mother.

They wrote: “This woman just grew, carried and pushed two human beings out of her body.

“The hormonal swings she is dealing with are going to be extreme.

“On top of that she is taking care of two infants, mostly by herself, all day every day.

“She can not be faulted for being a little bit unreasonable for a few months."

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