Mum left ‘scared’ after woman ‘screams’ at her for parking mistake

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The woman claims she parked on a double yellow line for “two minutes” while she tended to one of her babies who was crying. It was at that moment that another woman lost her temper with her.

According to the mum she apologised, but the woman continued to bang on her car window, reports Edinburgh Live.

She took to parenting forum Mumsnet to ask for advice from fellow parents about whether the woman’s reaction was “extreme”.

She wrote: “I know, I am in the wrong because I parked wrong. For two minutes only, but nonetheless – wrong. I was getting back into my car and this lady starts charging at me- I had both my babies in the car.

“She starts screaming at me ‘you can’t park here, you can’t park here’. I put my hands up and say ‘I know I’m sorry I’m sorry’. She continues charging at my car.

“At this point I got scared and again said ‘I am sorry and it won’t happen again’.

“I jumped into my car and locked the doors and she starts banging on my window, at which point – I again say ‘look I understand and I won’t park here again’.”

She continued: “Only then did she finally let off and I drove away.

“Isn’t that a bit of an extreme reaction? I would never do that. Fair enough if I had got angry back, but I immediately apologised and backed down and she just kept going. She really scared me.”

She added: “Scared the life out of me, I actually locked the doors too.”

The post had received dozens of responses from fellow posters. Users were divided over who was in the wrong in the situation.

One said: “She shouldn’t have got so angry but how do you know you aren’t the millionth person to do this to that space? She might have a very good reason for you not to park there.”

A second commented: “She probably p****d off with it happening all the time. Sorry doesn’t really cut it when it happens all the time. Hate it when people say only two minutes as well. You shouldn’t park there for any length of time.”

A third argued: “At least she wasn’t endangering anybody. Unlike unsafely parking on double yellow lines.”

However, others felt that the woman reacted too harshly. One stated: “Crazy woman and massively OTT (over the top) reaction!! Had you parked on her petunias or something?!”

“Parking on double yellows is between you and the traffic warden – it’s no one else’s business,” a second shared.

“Massive over reaction, wtf,” posted a third.

Meanwhile, a fourth said: “Delivery drivers stop on double yellow lines all the time. A mother tending to her baby for two minutes is not a catastrophe.”

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