‘My parents didn’t trust my wife so they secretly did a DNA test on my baby’

A man has said he barred his mum from seeing his baby after she had a DNA test done to see if the newborn was really his. The man, who posted anonymously on the social media platform Reddit, said his parents disliked his wife and thought she was only with him so she could remain in the US.

The man told Reddit users he met his wife Sonya when she was working as a waitress at a restaurant.

Eventually, the two struck up a romantic relationship, but after he introduced her to his parents they voiced their disapproval.

He wrote: “My parents think Sonya is only using me to achieve her American dream. I told them that is racist and I am very offended by their assumption.”

The man said Sonya’s parents were thrilled when he proposed to their daughter, but his own parents were “gutted” and refused to give the engagement their blessing.

So the pair eloped, only inviting his brother and Sonya’s best friends to witness their wedding.

The couple welcomed the birth of their first child, Garreth, two years later, which is when his parents got back in touch.

According to the father, Garreth’s paternal grandparents began visiting regularly, but one day he overheard his mum make a remark which left him reeling.

He told Reddit: “My parents visit us regularly and one day while dad and mom are playing with Garreth, mum said something along the lines of, ‘Aren’t you the cutest baby ever? I am so glad to confirm you are indeed my grandson’.”

He continued: “She didn’t know I was around because she looked startled when I said, ‘What was that supposed to mean?'”

His mother tried changing the subject, but the man persevered until she revealed all.

The man said his mum sat him down and apologised before telling him they had Garreth’s DNA tested to make sure he was their son’s.

He added: “I was speechless for a moment and before I blew up from anger I told dad to give me my son and they better leave before I lose whatever respect I had left for them.”

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The man said his mum was “very apologetic” and said the reason they did it was because they don’t trust his wife and that Garreth looks nothing like him.

In a rage, the man said he ordered his parents out of his house.

He added: “I didn’t tell my wife about the whole DNA test thing until after two weeks when she asked why mum and dad didn’t visit anymore.

“I told her everything as I know I cannot keep a secret from her. She started crying and it broke my heart. I know how much she tried to win my parents’ approval and what I told her was like a slap across her face.”

He said that on that same day his wife told him she could no longer let his parents into their child’s life and he agreed with her.

When his mum called to ask when they could visit again, he told them they were no longer welcome in his son’s life.

The man told Reddit users: “Mum called my dad and I told him the same thing. He was livid, he called me ungrateful and cruel. He also said a few choice words about my wife which angered me more.” His Reddit post ended with him asking whether or not he had overreacted.

One user said: “Toxic grandparents don’t belong in the family. No matter how hard it is to cut them out.”

Another wrote: “Never understand why so many people think kids should have a relationship with the grandparents who are abusive towards the parents (their own kids).”

Source: Read Full Article

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