Mysterious origins of Arthur's Stone are revealed by archaeologists

Origins of Arthur’s Stone revealed: Stone Age monument that inspired the ‘stone table’ in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was closely linked to nearby ‘halls of the dead’, analysis reveals

  • Archeologists have finally discovered the mysterious origins of Arthur’s Stone
  • They said the Stone Age tomb was once part of a larger ceremonial landscape
  • Linked to two 6,000-year-old ‘halls of the dead’ found in Herefordshire in 2013
  • Arthur’s Stone inspired the ‘stone table’ in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

The mysterious origins of Arthur’s Stone — a Neolithic monument that inspired the ‘stone table’ in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe — have finally been discovered by archaeologists.

They said the imposing Stone Age tomb was once part of a much larger ceremonial landscape than previously thought.

It is linked to two 6,000-year-old ‘halls of the dead’ that were hailed as ‘the discovery of a lifetime’ when they were unearthed in Herefordshire in 2013.

This is the first time Arthur’s Stone, which dates back to 3,700BC and is located on a hilltop outside the village of Dorstone, has been properly excavated.  

Legend has it that King Arthur slew a giant who left the impression of his elbows on one of the stones as he fell. 

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The origins of Arthur’s Stone (pictured) — a Neolithic monument that inspired the ‘stone table’ in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe — have finally been discovered by archaeologists

What is Arthur’s Stone? 

Arthur’s Stone is a Neolithic chambered tomb that is over 5,000 years old.

Today only the large stones of the inner chamber remain, although these were once covered by a long mound.

The chamber is formed of nine upright stones, with a massive capstone, estimated to weigh more than 25 tons. 

It was accessed through the side of the covering mound, via the right-angled passage. 

The tomb has never been excavated until now. 

Legend has it that King Arthur slew a giant who left the impression of his elbows on one of the stones as he fell.

Source: English Heritage

In C.S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the ‘stone table’ is the sacred place where Aslan, a talking lion, is killed by the White Witch.

Archaeologists always thought that Arthur’s Stone’s massive capstone, raised on a series of supporting stones and lesser chamber with a right-angled passage, had stood within a wedge-shaped stone cairn, similar to those found in the Cotswolds and south Wales. 

But an excavation by the Universities of Manchester and Cardiff has now revealed it originally extended into a field immediately to the south of the tomb.

When the tomb was first built, archaeologists say it was probably covered in a mound of compressed turf, with a series of posts to hold it in place. 

This long mound stretched into the nearby field, but rot caused it to collapse over time. The mound was then rebuilt with a slightly different orientation.

Professors Julian Thomas, from Manchester University, and Keith Ray, from Cardiff University, said the first mound likely faced Dorstone Hill, while the second pointed to an area between Skirrid Hill and Garway Hill to the south-east.

‘Although Arthur’s Stone is an iconic Megalithic monument of international importance, its origins had been unclear until now,’ said Professor Thomas.

‘Being able to shine a light on this astonishing 5,700-year-old tomb is exciting, and helps to tell the story of our origins.’

In 2013, the hillside of Dorstone was also found to house three similar burial mounds, including two ‘halls of the dead’.

‘Each of these three turf mounds had been built on the footprint of a large timber building that had been deliberately burnt down,’ said Professor Thomas.

‘So Arthur’s Stone has now been identified as being closely connected with these nearby “halls of the dead”.

‘Indeed, the block of upland between the Golden Valley and the Wye Valley is now becoming revealed as hosting an integrated Neolithic ceremonial landscape.’

The ancient ‘halls of the dead’ are thought to pre-date Stonehenge by almost 1,000 years.

An artist’s impression of the Neolithic long hall. Two earth long barrows were uncovered that archaeologists believe date to about 3,800BC, almost 1,000 years before Stonehenge

Arthur’s Stone, which dates back to 3,700BC, is on a hilltop outside the village of Dorstone

A flaked flint knife (pictured) was among the items discovered on Dorstone Hill back in 2013

Examples of flint weapons and tools, thought to have been buried in the barrows when first created or later left as offerings to the dead, were also discovered at the site eight years ago.

Among the finds were two stone axe-heads, a flint hand knife and an arrowhead, with some of the raw materials used in their construction pointing to origins hundreds of miles away from where they were found, according to the dig team. 

The barrows themselves date to the early Neolithic period when the ancient Britons were starting to settle into small communities. 

The findings from the recent excavations have yet to be published in a peer-reviewed journal.


The story of King Arthur is known to children and adults alike. 

But the facts around the legendary figure are mired in myth and folklore and historians generally agree that Arthur himself probably did not exist.

Instead, it is believed he may have been a composite of multiple people. 

Whilst there are many version of the Arthur legend, some common threads run through them. 

They stem from 12th Century figure Geoffrey of Monmouth’s fanciful and largely fictional work Historia Regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Britain). 

In 410 AD, the Romans pulled their troops out of Britain and, with the loss of their authority, local chieftans and kings competed for land. 

In 449 AD, King Vortigern invited the Angles and Saxons to settle in Kent in order to help him fight the Picts and the Scots.   

Guinevere leading a wounded Lancelot from The Rochefoucauld Grail. The illuminated 14th century manuscript containing what is believed to be the oldest surviving account of the legends of King Arthur

However, the Angles and Saxons betrayed Vortigern at a peace council where they drew their knives and killed 460 British chiefs. 

The massacre was called the Night of the Long Knives, which, according to Geoffrey of Monmouth, occurred at a monastery on the Salisbury Plain.

Geoffrey claims that Ambrosius Aurelianus became King and consulted the wizard Merlin to help him select an appropriate monument to raise in honour of the dead chieftains.

Merlin suggested that the King’s Ring from Mount Killarus in Ireland be dismantled and brought to England. 

The king’s brother and Arthur’s father, Uther Pendragon, led an expedition of soldiers to bring the stones from Ireland to England. 

Merlin magically reconstructed the stones as Stonehenge on the Salisbury Plain around the burials of the dead British chieftains in the monastery cemetery. 

Other legends say Arthur was born at Tintagel Castle in Cornwall and was taken by Merlin to be raised by Sir Ector.

Shortly thereafter, civil war broke out in England and Uther Pendragon was killed.

When Arthur was a young boy, the popular narrative says he drew a sword called Caliburn from a stone. 

Some legends say Arthur was born at Tintagel Castle in Cornwall and was taken by Merlin to be raised by Sir Ector.

One version of the legend states that the sword was made at Avalon from a sarsen stone that originated either from Avebury or Stonehenge.

It was said that whoever drew the sword from the stone was the true King of England. 

Arthur was then said to have been crowned as King in the ruins of the Roman fort at Caerleon in Wales.

In another version of the story, King Ambrosius Aurelianus led a battle against the Saxons at Badon Hill. 

Aurelianus was killed and his nephew, Arthur, took control of the soldiers and won the battle. 

Later, Arthur lost Caliburn in a fight with Sir Pellinore but was saved by Merlin’s magic. 

Arthur received a new sword (Excalibur) and a scabbard from Nimue, the Lady in the Lake at Avalon. 

The scabbard was magical and as long as Arthur wore it, he could not die.

Arthur had three half-sisters who are sometimes referred to as sorceresses. 

Arthur fell in love with Morgana, not knowing that she was his half-sister and they had a son named Mordred. 

When Arthur discovered the truth, he was horrified and ordered all male infants born at the same time as his son to be brought to Caerleon. 

The babies were put onto an unattended ship and set out to sea, which crashed on some rocks and sank. 

Film, ‘King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword’, (2017)Jude Law’s sneering Vortigern

Mordred survived the sinking of the ship and was found by a man walking on the shore and taken home.

Arthur fell in love again with a woman named Guinevere who was the daughter of King Lodegrance of Camylarde.

They married and her dowry included a round table and many knights. Arthur established his court at Camelot

The round table became a symbol of equality amongst his knights, for no knight was seated in a position superior to another.

In addition, a mealtime rule at the table was that no one could eat until they told a story of daring. 

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