NASA astronauts explain reasons behind 50 year absence from the Moon

Apollo 11 scientist reveals Moon landing secret

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On this day 50 years ago, Mission Commander Eugene Cernan became the last person to step foot on the Moon, as the Apollo 17 mission came to and end. His boots are now locked away in a display case at the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C., and to mark the anniversary, examines and explores why humans haven’t landed on the lunar surface since, through testimonies of the astronauts themselves. 

It will come as no surprise that humans landing on and exploring the Moon is no mean feat, it carrying several life-threatening risks. The surface of Earth’s sole satellite is covered in more than 9,137 craters and large boulders, making safe landings for both aircraft and crew dangerous. 

Regolith, or moon dust, made up of sharp glass dust particles, can be damaging to astronauts’ eyes, lungs, and skin with prolonged exposure, having potential long-term health effects such as the development of silicosis. Not only is it abrasive, but it is also adhesive and can make its way back into the aircraft, adversely affecting breathing. Madhu Thangavelu, an expert in designing complex space projects at the University of Southern California, writing in an article in 2014, described how the moon is covered in “a fine, talc-like top layer of lunar dust, several inches deep in some regions.”

Professor Thangavelu explained that it is “very abrasive” and “clingy”, therefore “fouling up spacesuits, vehicles, and systems very quickly”. So abrasive is it, the moon dust can wear through layers of astronauts’ boots. If one were to wear a typical shoe on the moon, the sole would be worn away in a single day of exploration.

Peggy Whitson, who lived in space for 665 days, told Business Insider that the Apollo missions had “lots of problems with dust”, adding that if humans are going to spend a significant amount of time there “we have to figure out how to handle it”. 

For 14 days at a time, the Moon is exposed to the sun’s harsh rays making it boiling hot — an unimaginable 120°C — as it has no protective atmosphere. For the next two weeks, it is then plunged into complete darkness and plunging it to temperatures as low as -130°C according to NASA. As Professor Thangavelu notes: “There is not a more environmentally unforgiving or harsher place to live than the Moon.”

While space travel poses physical risks, the awesome sights, stressful work, and long hours of confinement have an effect on the mind that cannot be underestimated. Those who went to the Moon as part of the Russian Soyuz-21 mission reportedly suffered “psychological problems” and hallucinations.

Buzz Aldrin, one of the first humans ever to walk on the moon in 1969 struggled to readjust after returning to earth, suffering bouts of depression and alcoholism. Writing in his 2009 autobiography Magnificent Desolation — the title of which he said both described his experience and his consequent state of mind — the 92-year-old said that he had “no goal, no sense of calling, no project worth pouring myself into”. 

While the likes of moon dust, extreme temperatures, and the intensity of the experience all pose difficulties, astronauts say politics and funding are the two main barriers when it comes to humans returning to the Moon.

Jim Bridenstine, the NASA administrator, said in 2019 that if politics was not part of the mix, we would have “made it to Mars by now”. Not only that but we would probably be on the Moon “right now”. He explained: “It was the political risks that prevented it from happening. The program took too long and it costs too much money.”

One era-defining moment of the 20th century was “The Space Race”, which saw the US driven by the desire to beat the Soviet Union to land on the Moon, which it accomplished in 1969. Once that monumental goal was reached, interest seemingly waned with the last mission returning in 1972. Although two administrations have tried to push for a return and for funding the construction of a lunar lander, these pursuits have always been “stillborn”, Apollo 9 astronaut Rusty Schweickart told Business Insider. 

He said: “Accelerating something that ambitious is a real challenge, and it takes commitment and dollars, and that’s what’s going to be required. We’ve tried two other times — administrations have tried — and they’ve been stillborn.”

The funding NASA receives is nothing like it was in the bygone days of the Sixties. Walter Cunningham, an Apollo 7 astronaut, said at a congressional testimony in 2015: “NASA’s portion of the federal budget peaked at four percent in 1965. For the past 40 years, it has remained below one percent, and for the last 15 years it has been driving toward 0.4 percent of the federal budget.”

But in 2020, then President Donald Trump announced that he would be raising NASA’s budget to $25.2billion (£20.34billion) in order to get boots on the Moon once again, a goal President Joe Biden is also behind. 

Now, Artemis 2 is due to take humans into orbit next year while Artemis 3 is due to see mankind, including the first woman and person of colour, on the Moon again in 2025. However, NASA has warned that this might be pushed back.

The website explains that NASA is going back to the Moon for the “scientific discovery, economic benefits, and inspiration for a new generation of explorers”. The days of competing with other countries are seemingly a thing of the past as although the Artemis mission will have American leadership, they hope to “build a global alliance and explore deep space for the benefit of all”.

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Astronauts have also pointed out another issue: the ageing workforce of those in the industry. There appears to be a lack of interest among the younger generation as a survey conducted in 2019 found that children in the UK and the US wanted to be YouTubers rather than astronauts when they grow up. 

NASA’s astronauts earn a base yearly salary of $104,898 (£84,735) whereas the highest-earning YouTuber of 2021, 24-year-old Jimmy Donaldson, known as Mr Beast, took home an eyewatering $54million (£43.62million). 

Harrison Schmitt, an Apollo 17 astronaut, told Business Insider: “You’ve got to realise young people are essential to this kind of an effort. The average age of the people in Mission Control for Apollo 13 was 26 years old, and they’d already been on a bunch of missions.”

Unlike 50 years ago, countries’ space agencies are no longer the only players on the field — and this could be a positive step towards humans returning to the Moon, and possibly beyond. Private endeavours from the likes of Elon Musk’s Space X and Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin programmes may rejuvenate excitement, making mankind’s return to the moon one step closer. 

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