Near-death experiences and how they can hint at ‘after-life’ and unlock talents

Dr Steven Taylor is a senior lecturer in psychology at Leeds Beckett University. He has extensively studied near-death experiences and is the author of the book Spiritual Science.

Here, he reveals his theory as to what’s behind NDEs…

“Over the years I’ve met a few people who have had near-death experiences. While there can occasionally be negative experiences, they are usually positive and have similar elements present.

"To me, the fact they have common themes suggests they can’t be explained away in clinical, medical terms.

“The most convincing near-death experiences are where people witness the events of an operation or medical treatment and are able to tell medics in great, true detail about them afterwards. These are impossible to explain in any standard scientific way.

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"Some experts argue they are hallucinations caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain, but if you look at what happens to people when they lose oxygen in a clinical setting, they don’t have these same experiences.

“There’s also a standard assumption from a lot of scientists that consciousness is produced by brain activity, and when the brain stops consciousness also stops. But in near-death experiences, this consciousness is is continuing when the brain stops.

“My theory is that consciousness is everywhere in the universe, and in some states, such as dying, people could be tapping into this wider consciousness.

“Some people who have near-death experiences go on to develop other talents, or even psychic abilities – there is something about them that seems to tune into deeper levels of their minds so they can unlock talents they weren’t aware of before.

“The experiences are so powerful, they can shift people into a completely different way of living – they’re often less fearful and don’t waste time because they know life is precious.

"This is one of the most powerful reasons to suggest they are real experiences rather than hallucinations. They may last for a few seconds or minutes but they change people for the rest of their life.

“Near-death experiences could possibly indicate there is an afterlife, especially because people meet deceased relatives, and sometimes even ancestors they didn’t realise had existed.

“It’s a fascinating subject and shows there’s more to reality than we think. They are the strongest indication that life – and death – are a lot stranger than we realise.”

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