Only people with the sharpest eyesight can solve this brainteaser

Going to the gym is a great way to stretch and push the body in order to get fit.

Around the UK, every day thousands of people flock to gyms and run miles on the treadmill, to lift weights, to do stretches, all in the name of getting fitter.

People choose to get fit for a variety of reasons, whether it’s because they’re not happy with how they look or because they’ve been told by a medical professional to lose weight.

However, sometimes gyms can prove incredibly popular, meaning there can be short waits to use certain machines.

These short gaps of rest are a perfect opportunity for a brainteaser, the question is whether you can solve our brain puzzle in under five seconds. Your task is to find the odd weight out.

Did you spot the odd weight out in under five seconds? No worries if not, it’s in the bottom left-hand corner.

Gyms are useful not just to help people lose weight and increase their physical fitness, but they could also help improve someone’s psychological health in the long run too.

It is believed that as well as improving mental health, the regular experience could improve someone’s neurological health too.

Some experts have said that regular exercise can help reduce someone’s risk of a neurodegenerative disease such as dementia.

Dementia is one of the biggest killers in the UK and the number of patients is growing. According to charities, one person is diagnosed with dementia every three minutes.

Furthermore, in the future, experts say one in three people born today will develop dementia in their lifetime.

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