Only those with a high IQ can spot all the cyclists in this image

The test is to spot as many cyclists as you can. However, there are things standing in the way between you and your goal.

Not all the cyclists can be clearly seen with some blurring with the trees and other foliage around them.

What shouldn’t be missed is that not all cyclists are the same size, some smaller ones may even go unnoticed.

Did you manage to spot all the cyclists? If not, don’t worry, some take longer than others.

At least three cyclists can be seen clearly, one on either side of the road running across the leaves.

Another one can be seen below, on the second path cycling out of the image.

The one you might have missed is in the top image, in the middle. They are slightly blurred out and just skim the top of the frame.

Brainteasers and optical illusions are a great way to test the mind and exercise one of the body’s most important organs. While they may seem like an innocuous bit of fun, they could have long-term benefits.

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Brainteasers and other mental exercises can help keep the brain healthy, and the healthier the brain, the lower the likelihood of developing a neurodegenerative disorder such as dementia.

Although factors such as lifestyle can also have an impact on dementia risk, some experts have found that maintaining the health of the brain can impact someone’s risk of the condition.

Dementia is one of the UK’s biggest killers, according to the charity Alzheimer’s Society, one person develops dementia every three minutes in the UK.

CEO of Alzheimer’s Society, Kate Lee said: “We want everyone to know there is support out there if you’re confused about symptoms, or don’t know how to have that first tricky conversation.

“As soon as you realise something is not right, come to Alzheimer’s Society – you can use our symptoms checklist to help have that all-important first chat with your GP.”

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