Parents given tips to shield kids from log burner pollution

Experts have revealed how parents can protect their children from air particle pollution, much of which is produced by wood burning stoves. While energy bills have soared and households are looking for alternative ways to heat their homes, some studies have revealed how burning stoves threaten to have devastating impacts.

Polling conducted by Omnisis for The Guardian found up to 67 percent of Londoners would support a ban on the heating source due to the stark levels of air pollution they cause. 

According to Government data published last week, emissions of toxic pollution particles from wood burning in British homes has more than doubled over the last 10 years.

The air particle pollution wood burners are associated with is responsible for 29,000 attributable deaths annually in Britain.

But with around 150,000 to 200,000 wood stoves sold in the UK each year, Suzanne Browne, the founder of leading nursery brand ClevaMama, shared a few tips that could help protect children from the impacts of air particle pollution. 

She told “Ventilation helps remove or dilute indoor airborne pollutants coming from indoor sources. This reduces the level of contaminants and improves indoor air quality (IAQ). This can be natural (opening the doors and windows) or mechanical.”

“Use vents to remove cooking fumes, clean your chimney regularly. Exhaust fans help remove fumes emitted while cooking and eliminate unwanted moisture and odours.

“Ensure your heating system is checked regularly by a licensed practitioner – regardless of the heating fuel used.”

She also said there are some tell-tale signs parents should look out for which could indicate that their child is suffering from the impacts of indoor pollutants. 

Ms Browne said: “We believe it is important that parents are aware and informed of these and the other pollutants that can affect their child’s health and wellbeing so they can make the best choices for their family. 

“While we are not medical experts, signs that indoor pollutants are damaging your child’s health could include increase coughing or wheezing particularly when a fire is lit. If you are concerned, we recommend you contact a medical expert immediately.“

ClevaMama also suggests investing in a Medical Grade Air Purifier, that is Ozone free. The company’s ClevaPure Air Purifier helps to “remove 99.95 percent of particles up to 0.3+microns and also removes 99.9 percent of particles within the 0.1 to 0.15 microns range”. 

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According to Ms Brown, the “typical wood smoke particle size is 1 to 2.5 microns. Some Air Purifiers create Ozone which increases the risk of respiratory illnesses, particularly in infants. 

“The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has declared these air purifiers that generate Ozone are dangerous for adults and children alike. Ozone can damage the lungs even in low quantities. Wood particles range great is diameter varying from 2.5 to 0.1.”

Home burning of solid fuel (wood and coal) is now estimated to produce around 39 of the particle pollution (PM2.5) emitted in the UK, even more than that from road transport, making it the largest single source of PM2.5 pollution in the Britain.

This type of pollution has been linked to a large number of health problems ranging from heart failure and lung problems to dementia and mental illness in children.

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