Putin goes dirty: MoD warns terrifying weapon that VAPORISES humans used in Ukraine

Putin's 'rogue' battlefield gas is worrying says Robert Fox

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The Ukrainian forces are said to be giving Putin a run for his money which has forced his troops to resort to horrifying tactics as they struggle to progress into Kyiv. Now, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has confirmed Russia has fired thermobaric rockets from a system known as the TOS-1A. They wrote on Twitter: “The Russian MoD has confirmed the use of the TOS-1A weapon system in Ukraine.

“The TOS-1A uses thermobaric rockets, creating incendiary and blast effects.”

The weapon is a multiple-armed rocket launcher that fires thermobaric warheads.

The warheads suck in oxygen from the surrounding air to create a high-temperature explosion which produces blast waves lasting far longer than conventional weapons.

These impacts are devastating, reportedly capable of vaporising human bodies.

They can also wipe out infrastructure, cause significant damage to internal organs as well as flash burns.

It is likely to kill those who are exposed, according to the MoD.

This comes after the MoD’s intelligence update suggested that Russia’s military is struggling to fight against the Ukrainian army.

The update reads: “The large Russian column north-west of Kyiv has made little progress in over a week and is suffering continued losses at the hands of the Ukrainian armed forces.

“There has been a notable decrease in overall Russian air activity over Ukraine in recent days, likely due to the unexpected effectiveness and endurance of Ukrainian Air Defence Forces.

“Russia has deployed conscript troops to Ukraine despite previous public assurances from President Putin not to do so. As casualties mount, President Putin will be forced to draw from across the Russian Armed Forces and other sources to replace his losses.”

Now, Putin has pulled out this TOS-1A system which Russia also reportedly used in Syria, Afghanistan and Chechnya.

While the weapons are not illegal, the use of thermobaric warheads is strictly regulated by the Law of Armed Conflict.

The law outlines that the weapons cannot be used against military targets “in a way that may endanger the civilian population or in a way that the damage they would cause would be excessive to the military advantage gained or where they would cause unnecessary suffering”, according to the MoD.

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While there is no evidence that Putin has used these weapons against civilians, Russia has used other weapons to kill Ukrainian civilians.

Yesterday, a children’s hospital in Muripol was blown up by an airstrike.

But the Russian Military still claims it does not target civilians.

This also comes after speculation that Russia may use a chemical or biological weapon.

Conservative MP Tobias Elwood said: “Russian chemical weapon attacks next.

“Putin will not stop until he is stopped. When will the West realise this? He’s playing on our timidity as thousands die and millions flee.”

It comes after a Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman claimed the US has been carrying out biological programmes in Ukraine.

Mr Elwood suspected that this may be a pretext for Russia to justify using chemical and biological weapons themselves.

And US and British officials said at a briefing on March 9 that there is “good reason” to be concerned about this as Russia also used chemical weapons in Syria.

The Institute for Policy studies describes chemical weapons as: “inanimate poisonous substances that incapacitate, injure, or kill through their toxic effects on the skin, eyes, lungs, blood, nerves, or other organs.

It explains that biological weapons “are infectious or toxic agents (such as bacteria, rickettsia, and viruses) that are derived from natural sources and can cause disease or death”.

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