Putin’s nukes will be stopped by aliens claims spoon botherer Uri Geller

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Uri Geller reckons aliens will stop Vladimir Putin if he tries to fire his nuclear weapons.

The spoon bender thinks they will use advanced technology to scramble the Russian dictator’s warheads.

Uri, 75, said: “With one click of a button we can stop the traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco and we can knock out radar systems.

“We can do anything with cyber today – you can imagine what extraterrestrials can do”

Uri thinks aliens could visit us in the next five years – and will come in peace.

He predicts they will land at an iconic location such as mysterious Easter Island or among the pyramids.

Uri went on: “If an extraterrestrial alien civilisation will land here it is not going to be an invasion. It is going to be friendly.

“If they were hostile to us we would have been destroyed a long time ago.”

Uri claims to have had his mysterious powers tested by the CIA at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, where research has been carried out into nuclear weapons.

And he says the Americans called on him when they needed the Russians to sign the Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty in 1991.

He claims he used the power of his mind to convince one Russian signatory to put pen to paper.

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Uri went on: “Aliens are not going to allow us to go into a nuclear war.

“I don’t think they would have to land for that – to stop Putin from pressing the button.

“There are so many other ways. Look at cyber wars today, look at espionage today.

“I believe that there are a few extraterrestrial intelligences that are monitoring us. Some come from totally different places in the universe.

“We are talking about such sophisticated knowledge that we cannot comprehend.”

  • Legendary spoon-bender Uri Geller claims he was 'hit by UFO' when he was five-years-old

Uri says he had his first encounter of the third kind when he was five years old, and shortly after found out he could activate his powers.

And while working with the CIA, he claims to have been shown a piece of a UFO by Nazi scientist Dr Werhner von Braun, alongside a room of alien corpses.

His comments come just months after the US Congress confirmed the existence of UFOs at an official hearing.

  • UFO
  • Alien
  • World War 3
  • Vladimir Putin
  • Russia

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