Putin’s terrifying ‘super-weapon’ exposed as world holds breath over nuclear threat

Lavrov urges Putin to continue talks with West over Ukraine

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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has sent a horror warning to the West, stressing that world war three could be right around the bend if the Ukraine war turns even more sour. Worryingly, he said in an interview that the risks of nuclear war are now “considerable”. He added: “The danger is serious, real. And we must not underestimate it.”And Russia has been sure to show the world that it is not to be messed with, unveiling a terrifying nuclear arsenal.

One terrifying addition is the huge nuclear-powered vessel that will be delivered to the Russian Navy this summer, reportedly capable of carrying nuclear-capable underwater drones.

Nuclear-tipped Poseidon torpedoes will be added to the gigantic 14,700-ton vessel, called the Belgorod, which is reportedly the largest submarine on the planet.

TASS reports: “The transfer of the Belgorod nuclear submarine to the fleet is planned for the summer of 2022.”

This date also coincides with Russian Navy Day on July 31.

The Poseidon torpedoes reportedly use a top-secret propulsion system and can allegedly target warships, aircraft carriers, coastal fortifications and infrastructure.

Back in 2018, Putin called Poseidon a “super-weapon” when he was detailing the progress of the Russian nuclear triad.

The customized special-purpose vessel will reportedly be able to carry six units of the nuclear-powered underwater drones which are armed with a two-megaton atomic payload.

Russia has warned that the super-weapons have a horror nuclear warhead attached which can be “thousands of feet” below the surface.

This is designed to spark a huge radioactive wave that can contaminate everything in its path.

It is also powered by a nuclear reactor, worryingly giving the weapon a practically unlimited range that can strike anywhere.

While the Belgorod is a submarine, Poseidon drones are a smaller nuclear-armed submarine drone that will be included on board the giant Belgorod.
Naval News estimates that the Poseidon weapon weighs around 100 tonnes.

The drones can also reportedly zip through the waters at a speed of 125mph after getting dropped onto the seabed, making it too fast and too deep to be reliably intercepted.

It is officially known as an ‘Intercontinental Nuclear-Powered Nuclear-Armed Autonomous Torpedo’, and was first unveiled in November 2015.

Poseidon is said to have been tested at least 11 times, but these have usually been trails of its autonomous systems, not its more threatening nuclear-propulsion system.

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Russia has said that it eventually wants 16 Poseidon drones on duty with Russia’s Northern Fleet, with a possible total of 30 altogether.

But these are not the only terrifying weapons that will be on board the larger Belgorod vessel.

In fact, Belgorod is said to be capable of carrying a huge array of Russian weapons, from Losharik mini-submarines to underwater drones like the Klavesin-2R.

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