Reptile escapes 'zoo van' in Florida, dashes down road before being wrangled, video shows

Fox News Flash top headlines for February 22

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A reptile being transported in a van in Florida on Tuesday managed to break loose and dash down a road before being wrangled in front of onlooking motorists, a video shows. 

The reptile escaped the back window of a “zoo van” that had been being relocating crocodilians to another area of the St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park. The zoo said the reptiles were secured before they were placed in the van.

“This animal broke the back window of the van and made a dash down the road,” the zoo wrote on Facebook. “Our crew acted quickly to recapture it, and deliver it safely to its new enclosure.”

The zoo’s reptile keeper, Karsyn, and general curator, Gen Anderson, were able to recapture it. They were assisted by Ryan and Donald from maintenance.

A 12-second video posted by the zoo appeared to show them wrangling the reptile on a grassy road divider as cars passed by the unique scene. 

The zoo noted that there was no real danger to the public or staff during the incident because the reptile’s mouth was secured. 

“This is why we have extensive training and do drills, to prepare for moments like this,” the zoo said in the Facebook post. 

On its website, St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park says it’s the only place in the world where you can see every living species of crocodilian.

The zoo did not say in the post if the reptile was an alligator, crocodile, or caiman. 

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