Robot vacuum escapes hotel and boss offers drink for anyone who finds it

A robot vacuum cleaner attempted to channel its inner Terminator – not by turning on its human owners, but by making a daring escape for freedom.

The machine belonged to the Orchard Park Travelodge in Cambridge, and it managed to escape last week.

Assistant manager Simon took to Reddit to post about the runaway robot, claiming that it missed the “lip” on the front door which normally prevents it from leaving.

He wrote: “Hey. So I work at the Travelodge and today I noticed one of our new robot vacuums run for its life!

“They normally sense the lip at the entrance and turn around but this one decided to make a run for it.

“It was 15 minutes before I noticed and by this time it could have made it anywhere. If you happen to see it, there is a drink at the bar for you upon its return.

“They aren't compatible with any other charger or docking station so are useless once drained. I'm thinking someone probably took it by this point but here is hoping. I miss my lil buddy. Thanks.”

Despite a search around the area, staff was unable to locate the sweeper bot.

They even went as far as offering a free drink to anyone who found it.

But on Friday, a miracle happened and the little dust sucker was found under a hedge on Friday afternoon by a human hotel cleaner – ironically.

The hotel confirmed: “(It) is now back sitting happily on a shelf with the rest of its robot vacuum family.”

Before it was found, social media had fun with the news.

One user posted: “It won't live long in the wild. Nature abhors a vacuum.”

While another commented: “Hopefully that Vac does a better job at cleaning up the city than the council and police does.”

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