Russia’s next move exposed as Putin’s army marches towards Siversk

Ben Wallace assures Ukraine UK is 'full square behind them'

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The news comes as Putin has ordered his troops to continue the assault in eastern Ukraine in spite of the capture of major sections of the Donbas region. Attempts to create a land bridge between Russia and Crimea are fast becoming a reality as Putin’s troops edge closer to creating two so-called “liberated puppet states” in eastern Ukraine.

According to the latest Ministry of Defence (MoD) intelligence report: “There is a realistic possibility that Russia’s immediate tactical objective will be Siversk, as its forces attempt to advance towards its most likely operational goal of the Sloviansk-Kramatorsk urban area.”

The report continues: “Russia is likely concentrating equipment on the front line in the direction of Siversk, approximately 5 miles west of the current Russian front line.

“Its forces are likely pausing to replenish before undertaking new offensive operations in Donetsk Oblast.”

As Russian troops continue to make slow but steady progress, Ukrainian resistance has increased in the Kherson region.

The MoD report continues: “Ukrainian forces continue to make gradual advances in the south-western Kherson sector.”

The news comes as senior officials meet on the fringes of the G20 summit in Indonesia, with the ongoing crisis in Ukraine leading the conversation.

Attending the summit is Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov who has said he would not chase after the United States for talks as his counterpart, Antony Blinken, declined to see him in Bali.

The United States has sought to isolate Russia on the world stage and aides to Blinken said they saw no point in speaking to Lavrov so long as Moscow continues its war in Ukraine, now in its fifth month.

Mr Lavrov, whilst commending Indonesia, denounced the approach of Western nations at the G20.

He said: “It was not us who abandoned contact; it was the United States.
“We are not running after anybody suggesting meetings.”

A senior US official said: “It clearly cannot be business as usual when it comes to Russia’s involvement and engagement in enterprises like the G20.”

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In the meantime, Putin has escalated his rhetoric against the West in recent days, daring anyone to try and defeat Russia on the battlefield.

The Russian premier said prospects for any negotiation would grow dimmer the longer the conflict dragged on, during a speech to parliamentary leaders.
He added: “Everyone should know that, by and large, we haven’t started anything yet in earnest.

“The further it goes, the harder it will be for them to negotiate with us.”

In spite of Russian forces appearing to take time to replenish and regroup, thousands of Ukrainian civilians have been told to flee the last remaining stronghold they control in the Donbas.

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Slovyansk and Kramatorsk have been subjected to a “massive” Russian bombardment in recent days, local officials said, with a rocket strike on a marketplace Tuesday leaving at least two bystanders dead.

Pavlo Kyrylenko, governor of Donetsk province where the cities are located, said: “There hasn’t been a day this week without shelling.

“The enemy is shelling chaotically, the attacks are aimed at destroying the local population.

“So, once again, the main advice is to evacuate.”

With Donetsk and Luhansk all but under Russian control, Syria has announced it recognises the sovereignty of the two pro-Russian regions.

The Syrian presidency had affirmed its intention to build relations with the two breakaway republics in February.

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