Secret setting on Playstation 5 controller that's used by top gamers

The secret setting on Playstation 5 controller that’s used by top gamers

  • The Create button was a new feature of the Playstation 5 for its launch in 2020 

PlayStation 5 owners have just found a secret setting on their controller that can change the way they play.

Despite the console coming out more than three years ago, players have only just discovered the feature.

The latest PlayStation has sold a whopping 38.5million units since its 2020 release.

One of the introductions that made it stand out from PlayStation 4 was its create button – which allows users to record clips and take screenshots of the game they’re playing. 

But players are only just realising that the button is customisable and with a few setting tweaks, they can record videos longer than the default 15 seconds.

One of the introductions that made it stand out from PlayStation 4 was its create button (circled) – which allows users to record clips and take screenshots of the game they’re playing

These screenshots and videos have been widely used by streamers – who make content of their game play to share with people online. 

The create button can be found on the top left side of the controller’s touch pad. 

Players can tap the button once and it will give them the option of screenshotting or screenrecording. A screenshot can also be taken by long-pressing the button.

But to take a longer video, there are a series of steps players can take.

First they will need to go into settings and select Captures and Broadcasts, then Captures.

They will then be brought to section called Shortcuts for Create Button – where they can choose how to make the button function best for how they need it.

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There are three options, which are Standard, Easy Screenshots and Easy Video Clips.

For the standard setting, players can take a screenshot by pressing and holding the button, and a video by clicking it twice. By clicking it once users will be shown the Create control quick menu.

If players choose Easy Screenshots, they will be able to just press the Create button once to take a grab. Pressing and holding the button will open the quick menu.

And if videos are preferred, which often would be by streamers, users can choose the Easy Video Clips option. The screenshot options for this are the same as Standard, but it has more video options.

The player can click the button twice to either manually start or end a video, and they can record footage that is longer than the 15 second =default limit.  

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