Sex robot factory laid bare in never-before-seen pics of half-finished dolls

An Instagrammer has exposed the inner workings of a sex robot factory as it posts never-seen-before pics from behind the scenes.

The Real Doll (@realdoll) account posted pictures of factory staff surrounded by bare, unfinished mannequins as staff continue to make the body parts.

The account that boasts over 46k followers has posted everything from barely completed dolls and robots to staff painting dildos.

The sex toy company was awarded the Sex Doll brand of the year in 2020 at a time when sales soared around the world during Covid-19.

CEO of the US-based company, Matthew McMullen said: "We’re absolutely blown away with this award, and what it means within the industry to be selected.

“Thank you to everyone who voted, and helped us to make this dream a reality. We’re proudly displaying the award at our headquarters.”

With lockdown stopping people from socialising or dating in a traditional sense, makers of the life-like vessels from across the world have seen a surge in enquiries and orders.

Australian Ryan James told Yahoo News that he had seen a massive interest in his company's array of “companion dolls or love dolls”.

He said: “We have definitely seen a jump in sales in recent months of our dolls.

“What we’ve seen in recent months is definitely an increase in our website clicks.

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"And also inquiries, there’s been tonnes of emails to look at.

“The past eight weeks tracking, we’ve seen a 35 per cent increase in web volume."

He added that people are willingly paying £1,600 – £2,100 per doll, and that the company has had to stockpile the lusty mannequins after the global pandemic caused a delay in their arrival from Chinese factories.

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Mr McMullen, describing some of the latest RealDoll upgrades in a recent interview with National Geographic, said that while the base models retail at $4,000 (about £2,900) an extra $8,000 buys a programmable AI head that features realistic speech and facial expressions.

"We don't today have a real artificial intelligence that resembles a human mind," he said.

"But I think we will. I think that is inevitable."

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