Spot the hidden UFO in under 30 seconds to prove you have eagle-eyed vision

Brainteasers are a great way of training the mind – and this one challenges you to find the hidden UFO among a busy setting of planets, rocks and rockets.

The busy scene will leave many people trying to quickly unearth the blue space vehicle – with an ambitious target of 30 seconds being the ultimate benchmark.

But the picture’s designers, Rainbow Riches Casino, say it can actually take more than one minute to solve it. Apparently the average discovery time is 76 seconds.

If you are still struggling, here’s a clue: look for the huge moon. From there, spot the small blue flying saucer.

The answer

The UFO in question sits just to the right of the middle of the image, above a boulder field and just under a rocket.

Whilst brainteasers may seem like an innocuous bit of fun on a morning commute or in a quiet moment, some experts suggest they could have long-term benefits.

The reason for this is because they act like an exercise for the brain, and the brain, like all muscles requires regular exercise in order to be at peak health. The healthier the brain, the less likely someone is to develop a degenerative neurological condition such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s disease.

This isn’t to say brainteasers like this one will stop you from developing the condition, other factors can have a much greater impact, but they could have an impact.

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