Time-traveller from 2236 says meteor will wipe out half of US in just 12 years

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    A self-proclaimed time traveller claims half the US will be destroyed in just 12 years' time.

    The mystery timelord took to TikTok to share the prediction, which also speculates that scientists will discover signs of alien life on two different planets in just three years – and that the extraterrestrials will be smarter than humans.

    "I am a real time traveller from the year 2236 and I have come to a date in time to warn you about upcoming events in the next few years.

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    "In 2025, scientists discover signs of life on two different planets and they are proven to be more advanced than humans.

    "A meteor will come down to Earth in 2034 and will wipe out half of America."

    The TikToker, @realtiktoktimetraveler, has amassed a whopping 221.3K followers and has made claims in other videos that a "human like but dangerous" creature would be spotted in North America on Friday (October 21).

    Most agree that the account is a joke, despite the terrifying claims.

    One commented: "Time traveller comes back just to use TikTok?"

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    Another wrote: "I'm about to save this just to prove this guy wrong when this stuff doesn't happen."

    A third chimed in: "If you was a time traveller you wouldn't tell anyone if you were or if you weren't because if you did it would ruin the time line."

    This wouldn't be the first time the time traveller's predictions have failed to come true.

    The anonymous internet sensation claimed in a video posted on May 18 of this year that humans would have their first interaction with aliens – a species called Azarx – on July 7.

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    The Tiktoker said the interaction would take place in southern Alaska and also predicted that Europe would be hit by a meteor shower causing "many casualties" on October 12.

    However, neither event seems to have come to fruition yet.

    "Today is July 7th and yet nothing has happened," one frustrated TikTok user wrote.

    Another added: "I’m still waiting for the world to end in 1982."


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