‘Time Traveller’ warned world over Russia and Ukraine war weeks before invasion

A "time traveller" made a bold claim that Russia's problems with Ukraine would break out in war – a month before Russian President Vladimir Putin launched troops to "demilitarise" their neighbour.

The TikToker, who goes by the name "past time travel", claimed he's from the year 2102 and "stationed" in the timeline of 2023.

"The world never stops spinning," they said in a post back on January 21.

The video starts by saying: "Answering questions as a time traveller: The issue involving Russia and Ukraine turns into a war.

"Covid never ends, it keeps mutating till the point where it isn't even as bad as the common cold.

"The sea levels keep rising and over 500 million people are relocated."

At the time when the video was posted, some viewers reacted by asking "when will it be a war", "where is your time machine located?".

"Will the war stay in Ukraine or will other countries fall in Russian hands as well? Will China help Putin?" another asked.

And today, some viewers commented saying Russia has invaded Ukraine and "there's talk of war".

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A second asked: "Stop joking about the Russian and Ukraine thing."

But others said the so-called predictions are more just "stating the obvious".

"Okay, you don't need to be a time traveller from the future to call those first two. You simply need to be observant," one said.

Another commented: "This isn't time travelling, it's stating the obvious."

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A third teased: "I answered all the same things and my a** never left the couch in 2022!"

On Thursday morning, Putin's military move on Ukraine has sparked an exodus from capital city Kyiv.

Thousands of people packed their belongings and drove to the "safe haven" on the west side of the country as air raid sirens blasted around early morning hours.

The move resulted in massive traffic jams and some people even abandoned their vehicles and continued on foot.

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