UFO expert came face-to-face with ‘6ft green alien’ that was ‘not of this Earth’

A UFO expert has shared an encounter with a lizard-like humanoid that was “not of this Earth” while he was in Yorkshire on his way back from a camping trip.

Ben Walgate runs a YouTube channel from his home in Malton, North Yorkshire, and reports on UFO sightings and alien encounters around the world.

Ben, 35, has a fascination with extraterrestrial phenomena that dates back to his childhood. He had been on his way back from a camping trip as a Cub Scout at Snowball Plantation, near York, when the minibus had stopped off to allow everyone to stretch their legs.

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He told the Mirror how he wandered away from the main group when he suddenly saw something strange out of the corner of his eye.

He recalls how he saw a spindly "green creature" about 25 yards away to his left.

The six-foot creature had a tiny head, and stood on on two feet like a human, but it had strange over-sized limbs.

Ben says the mysterious entity “walked with a stoop" as if it couldn’t stand up properly, or was trying to sneak around to keep a low profile.

"The wooded area wasn’t that dense,” Ben said, “so I got a good look at this thing. It might have only been a few seconds, but we made eye contact, it had black eyes.

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He says that whatever he saw, it was " definitely not of this Earth. It was such a weird vibe. Its head in proportion to its body was tiny.

"It’s not like the stereotypical alien with the grey skin and the big black eyes. This thing was more lizard. I’m not saying it had scales, it wasn’t snake-like.

"It was olive green from head to toe, a very sleek, slender-looking thing, dark black eyes, little tiny head, long over-proportional sized arms that came past the knees.

"It was just other-worldly, it shouldn’t have been walking on two feet. This thing was walking right through the woods."

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Ben said that the creature seemed pretty calm when it saw him, and didn’t seem to be worried that he might raise the alarm.

He added that he likes to take a scientific approach, and won’t just jump to conclusions.

“I won’t just jump to anything and say it’s an alien," he said. "I'm getting out there and investigating some of these areas and following up on some of the stories that people have shared."

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He says that it wouldn’t be hard for an extraterrestrial to hide out in Yorkshire.

"If there are intelligent beings out there, and I’m not saying there are, but it’s highly likely there are, if they were coming here for some reconnaissance or research, it wouldn’t be difficult in a place like the North Yorkshire Moors to stay hidden,” Ben says.

Ben says it’s possible that the Yorkshire moors, like many UFO hotspots around the world, are home to an airbase – in this case RAF Fylingdales.

He says it’s possible that aliens could be "showing an interest in our military”. Or, he adds, maybe some of the unexplained sightings could be advanced military prototypes.


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