UK’s scorching heatwave could finally prove that Loch Ness Monster is real

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    Parts of the UK are set to see record dry levels during the current heatwave – including the famous Loch Ness.

    A water scarcity alert has been issued in parts of Scotland by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA).

    People believe the weather conditions could bring new light to the story of the monster which calls Loch Ness home.

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    Last month the loch fell to its lowest point since 1990 and currently remains classified as “low”, reports The Mirror.

    Loch Ness is the largest body of water in the UK. Some have claimed hydroelectric power plans have also affected the water levels in the area.

    A water level of just over 109cm (3.5ft) was recorded at Foyers on May 24, the lowest since records began in 1990.

    With new low levels, people are hoping to settle the long-debated legend of the Loch Ness Monster once and for all.

    Recently “Bank of Dave” founder Dave Fishwich challenged monster hunters to find proof that “Nessie” is in the loch – and if you can he’ll give you a £25,000 reward.

    Thousands of people visit the lake every year, with estimates claiming the reputed monster is worth almost £41million a year to the UK economy.

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    Ness District Salmon Fishery Board said the loch was already at levels more usually seen at the end of summer as large areas appear to be dried out.

    Director Brian Shaw told BBC Scotland there is a "tremendous amount of concern" about the loch.

    He added: "Most people wouldn't appreciate just how controlled the Ness system is. When it gets down to these low levels almost every aspect of it is controlled by hydro schemes on the system."

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    Nathan Critchlow-Watton, SEPA’s head of water and planning, said: "For the risk of water scarcity to have reached significant this early in the summer is extremely concerning and leaves no doubt that the next few months are going to be very challenging for all those who rely on the water environment to run their business.

    "While water levels are critical in this part of the Highlands, we can see other areas of Scotland are on the same trajectory and it’s vital that businesses take steps now to maximise the resource available and prevent further environmental harm.”

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    • Heatwave
    • Loch Ness Monster
    • Conspiracy theories
    • UK Weather

    Source: Read Full Article

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