Woman saw body from above and met god after near-fatal crash

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A woman claims she saw her body from above in the emergency room before flying to the stars where she met God after momentarily "dying" from a near-fatal crash.

In an emotional testimonial, Tricia Barker described how she saw her parents in the hospital waiting room before flying into space after her heart stopped.

Tricia bled out in the operating room while surgeons operated on her spine which had been crushed in a "head-on collision".

"It was almost like I was up in the corner of the room and I had this knowing of my spirit form as the mirror image of my body but it was composed of light," she explained in an interview with Anthony Chene.

"I was looking down at the surgeons table and I remember thinking there is so much blood. Why is there so much blood?"

In this moment that Tricia claimed she saw intelligent beings made of light that she considered "angels".

They supposedly sent telepathic messages assuring her she'd be fine shortly before lighting up her body on the operating table as well as the hands of the surgeons.

Not long after the monitor flat lined, she remembered thinking: "I'm really dead now, I don't want to see this" and moved out the operating room where she saw her devastated parents in the waiting room.

Tricia then said she flew into the night sky where she felt the presence of a consciousness she described as the "light of God".

Childhood images and early life memories made her reckon with judgements she had made of friends and acquaintances and she felt an overwhelming sense of love.

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"You can't imagine that love, it's so intense and we don't feel anything like it, we feel glimpses of it here," she added.

"I felt as if everything that was dead was now alive. My grandfather showed up and he looked beautiful. He had died in his seventies but in heaven he was glowing with light."

Tricia didn't want to leave the realm but was stopped by a "booming voice" which told her she was going to teach on Earth before "hurling" her back into her body.

She remained in the intensive care unit for three days where she was put in an all-body cast to help her heal from severe spinal and internal injuries for four to five months but continued to feel the presence of 'angels' that she alleges helped her recover.

  • Near-death experience

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