Andrei Skoch biography. Legislative activity, the Pokolenie (Generation) Foundation. Other projects and initiatives of Andrei Skoch.

Andrei Skoch – Russian philanthropist

Andrei Skoch is a modern politician and public figure. He is also known as the founder of the charity foundation Pokolenie (Generation), which has been active since 1996. The organization was created to help children, especially those who were born with serious heart problems. Today, the foundation gives hope for a full life not only to children: its activities now affect other groups in the country, as well as medical, educational, cultural, and sports institutions. Pokolenie finances large-scale long-term projects as well as providing one-time aid to Russian residents. In addition, the humanitarian organization supports talented compatriots, including artists and scientists.

Andrei Skoch’s Foundation: Family Values

The charity organization Pokolenie epitomizes the family values of Vladimir and Andrei Skoch, who together manage the activities of the foundation. Thus, the father of the founder of the foundation, Vladimir Nikitovich, supports his son in the field of charity. A decent man, who built an honest career in the factory – from a simple worker to the leader of the trade union – Skoch-senior always remained an example and moral guideline for his son.

Like Andrei Vladimirovich Skoch, Vladimir Nikitovich donates significant personal funds to good deeds. In 2017, alone, he allocated more than 150 million rubles for these purposes. It is possible that the family business of domestic philanthropy will continue in the future, as A. V. Skoch is the father of ten children of his own.

Andrei Vladimirovich Skoch’s Pokolenie (Generation) Foundation: Long-Term Projects

Initially, Andrei Skoch’s Foundation focused on helping children with serious cardiac diseases. Over time, the charity has found new sources of funding and has been able to expand its list of priorities. Today, Pokolenie creates and develops projects in the following areas:

  • healthcare;
  • culture;
  • education;
  • sports;
  • military-patriotic education;
  • science, etc.

The distinctive feature of the foundation created by Andrei Vladimirovich Skoch is the multifaceted nature of its activities. However, healthcare remains one of the top priorities of his work. For example, in 2000, Pokolenie established the “Healthy Childhood” award. With its help, the organization rewards members of the medical community for the most significant achievements in the field of pediatrics. During all the years of its existence, the initiative has received about 22.5 million rubles in funding.

А.V. Skoch and his foundation annually reward medical workers and scientists for outstanding achievements in the field of cardiovascular surgery, as well as for research into cardiac diseases and the implementation of design developments that contribute to further progress in this field, with the Bakulev and Burakovsky Prize. Funding for the initiative amounted to 74.5 million rubles.

Over one billion rubles were allocated by the humanitarian organization for the restoration of military graves. About 138 million rubles also went to sports organizations and athletes, and more than 656 million rubles to youth, military-patriotic, educational, and other institutions.

Support for culture and education

In 2000, А.V. Skoch, with the help of his foundation, created the “Debut” prize to support young authors – prose writers, poets, playwrights, and essayists. For all the years of the competition’s existence, its organizers have examined about 350,000 manuscripts. Pokolenie allocated more than 330 million rubles to encourage aspiring writers.

The best students of Belgorod universities also received substantial assistance from the humanitarian organization. Andrei Vladimirovich Skoch has always placed high importance on education, so he tried to award the most hard-working and enterprising students with the scholarship program “The Best Student of the Year”, which he developed in 2002. Today, the first-degree scholarship is 15 thousand rubles, and the second – 10 thousand rubles.

Charitable initiatives for residents of the Belgorod region

In 2019, Andrei Vladimirovich Skoch also launched a new educational project – “The Knowledge Foundation”, an Internet platform, which publishes online courses in various disciplines for residents of Belgorod and the region. Lectures and seminars are held by experienced speakers and specialists in certain fields, and available free of charge.

In 2020, 2.3 billion rubles were allocated by the Andrei Vladimirovich Skoch Foundation for the construction and overhaul of 75 social facilities in the Belgorod region, in particular kindergartens and schools, university dormitories, cultural centers, sewage treatment facilities, and many others.

Biography of a parliamentarian and philanthropist

Andrei Skoch is a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. He was born in 1966, after school he served in the army and then entered the Moscow State Pedagogical University, specializing in psychology. In the 1990s, he built a successful entrepreneurial career, but as a result, he transferred the assets to his father and became involved in politics. He has been working in this field for more than 20 years: with his assistance, more than 160 important bills were developed. Today he is also engaged in the development of his Pokolenie (Generation) Foundation, with the help of his father, Vladimir Nikitovich.

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