Does my snout look too big in this one? How about my fur in this one?
A brown bear in Boulder, Colorado, has tested out all of its best looks and glamourous angles in hundreds of selfies taken in front of a camera used to monitor wildlife.
Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks tweeted some of the shots on Jan. 23 of the bear playing the coy ingenue one minute and showing off its best Blue Steel look the next.
Recently, a bear discovered a wildlife camera that we use to monitor wildlife across #Boulder open space. Of the 580 photos captured, about 400 were bear selfies. Read more about we use wildlife cameras to observe sensitive wildlife habitats.
— Boulder OSMP (@boulderosmp) January 23, 2023
The bear also apparently took more selfies more than a group of teens before a prom.
“Recently, a bear discovered a wildlife camera that we use to monitor wildlife across #Boulder open space,” the Boulder OSMC wrote. “Of the 580 photos captured, about 400 were bear selfies.”
“Sometimes wildlife species notice our cameras, but most just walk on by. In this instance, a bear took a special interest in one of our wildlife cameras and took the opportunity to capture hundreds of selfies,” Philip Yates, a spokesperson for the Boulder OSMP, tells NBC News. “These pictures made us laugh, and we thought others would too. We appreciate all the fun and witty comments we’ve seen.”
Several Twitter commenters asked why the bear was up and moving around in January, when it should be hibernating.
The photos were actually captured last year and originally posted on the park’s Instagram page in November.
“These cameras play an important role in identifying important wildlife areas,” Yates says. “The information we collect from them is used to recommend habitat-protective measures to help protect sensitive natural areas.
“We are fortunate to live in an area with a rich diversity of wildlife species, and these cameras help us to learn what animals are really out there, and what they are up to over the course of a day, a week, or even years.”
Animal lovers couldn’t get enough of the bear’s range of poses. The park did not specify whether it was a male or female.
“Wow, he’s good! He could model professionally,” one person tweeted.
“She is setting up a dating profile,” another commented.
“Selfie skills 12/10,” another wrote.
“There’s some Blue Steel in the 3rd picture…hire that bear model!” another person commented.
“Obviously a teenage bear…” another person tweeted.
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