Boris Johnson holds talk with Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky over famine

Boris Johnson holds talks with Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky as the Prime Minister bids to get global grain supply chain moving again as fears of a famine grow

  •  Yesterday Boris Johnson spoke with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky
  • Prime Minister raised ‘significant concerns’ with Mr Zelensky over trade routes
  •  He tried to open up ‘critical sea and land supply’ as some countries face famine
  • UN secretary general Antonio Guterres warned of a food crisis lasting for years
  • 20million tons of grain are stuck in Ukraine as Putin ‘weaponises’ food supplies

Boris Johnson yesterday held talks with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky on moving grain out of Ukraine amid warnings some countries could face famine.

The Prime Minister raised ‘significant concerns’ with Mr Zelensky as he tried to open up ‘critical sea and land supply’ routes. 

Ukraine was seen as Europe’s ‘bread basket’ before Russia invaded and many poor nations rely on its grain.

United Nations secretary general Antonio Guterres warned of a food crisis lasting for years as around 20million tons of grain are stuck in Ukraine from the previous harvest. 

Boris Johnson yesterday spoke with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky on moving grain out of Ukraine over warnings that some poorer countries could face famine over the shortage

Western officials have accused Vladimir Putin of ‘weaponising’ global food supplies. 

Downing Street said: ‘The Prime Minister raised his significant concerns about the growing global fallout from Russia’s illegal invasion and president Putin’s craven and reckless blockade of Ukraine’s Black Sea ports, including rising food prices in developing countries.

‘They looked at options to open up critical sea and land supply routes for Ukrainian grain stocks.’

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