Boris Johnson slumps to second BOTTOM in Cabinet rankings after sleaze and small boat storms

BORIS Johnson slumps to second BOTTOM in Cabinet popularity rankings as the sleaze row and small boats storm bites.

The PM is now ranked minus 17, according to the survey of true blue Tory faithful, only the second time he's been in negative territory since it began.

Priti Patel, chief whip Mark Spencer and Jacob Rees Mogg also tumble down the rankings after the botched bid to try and save Owen Paterson last month – which sparked a major Tory civil war on the backbenches.

But new Foreign Sec Liz Truss is still flying high in Tory circles, according to the latest ConHome rankings of party members, with Lord Forst, Anne-Marie Trevelyan and Nadine Dorries also ranking well.

Mr Spencer is firmly at the bottom, on minus 21, whereas the Home Sec only just scrapes into a positive ranking of 0.2.

It comes after weeks of rows over small boats as the crossings numbers continue to soar to record levels.

And the PM continues to face backlash over his response to the sleaze scandal, and chaotic speech to the CBI last week.

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