Boy, 11, has surgery after he tried Tiktok tongue piercing game

Boy, 11, needs emergency surgery to have toy magnetic balls removed from his stomach after he tried ‘deadly’ Tiktok tongue piercing game

  • Ellis Tripp, 11, from Worcester, is fighting for his life after swallowing magnets
  • He attempted TikTok craze where people pretend to have their tongue pierced
  • They put a magnet on both sides of tongue, but Ellis swallowed five of the balls
  • His mother Amy Clarke, 31, claimed the TikTok challenge ‘could have killed him’
  • Ellis is currently in hospital fighting an infection after having two major surgeries

A mother has issued a stark warning about the dangers of a ‘deadly’ new TikTok trend after her son was left fighting for his life after swallowing magnets.

Ellis Tripp, 11, from Worcester, has endured two emergency surgeries and is in critical condition after swallowing five magnetic balls while attempting a TikTok trend.

The viral challenge sees people pretending they have pierced their tongue by placing two magnetic balls on either side of their tongue.

But Ellis swallowed the ‘Magneto Balls’ and was unwell for a week before he was rushed into surgery on Wednesday, as doctors thought he had a burst appendix.

His doctors were shocked to discover that his appendix was fine, and the real cause of his problems were the magnets, one of which attached to their operating tools while they probed the cause of his pain.

Ellis Tripp (pictured with mother Amy Clarke), 11, from Worcester, is fighting for his life in hospital after swallowing five magnetic balls while attempting a TikTok tongue piercing trend

It remains unclear how Ellis managed to swallow the magnetic balls, as his family claimed they do not have any in the house and the schoolboy does not have TikTok. 

The youngster was rushed into surgery at Birmingham Children’s hospital on Friday to have three of the magnetic balls removed. 

Ellis then had another gruelling six-hour operation on Saturday, when surgeons were forced to take out five inches of his bowel to remove the final two magnets.

His worried mother Amy Clarke, 31, has urged other parents to get rid of the magnetic balls, claiming the TikTok craze ‘would have killed him if left any longer’.

Amy, who has been by her ‘seriously ill’ son’s side in hospital ever since, wrote on Facebook: ‘I’m in a nightmare.

‘This TikTok craze could/would have killed him if left any longer. Please talk to your children and tell them how DANGEROUS THESE ARE.

‘Magneto Beads are deadly if swallowed. They even have them in educational/childcare settings for children to play with. DESTROY THEM…!!!!!’   

Ellis’s grandmother Sue Davies, 50, revealed that teachers at Ellis’s school had found other students with the magnets in their possession during a search.

She also claimed that the surgeons were concerned after Ellis was the fifth youngster in just one week that they had treated for swallowing magnets. 

On Sunday, Sue said Ellis was still ‘hooked up tubes and wires’ as his body tries to fight the infection caused by his bowel leaking.

Ellis has undergone two major operations to remove the five ‘Magneto Balls’ (pictured) while his mother Amy Clarke, 31, claimed the TikTok craze ‘would have killed him if left any longer’

She added: ‘He is seriously, seriously ill. Two major surgeries in just a few days isn’t good for anybody, let alone a child. I am absolutely gutted, it’s a very worrying time.

‘It has been a truly horrific experience. We didn’t think this could have ever happened to us, these tiny magnetic balls have cased such damage.

‘Ellis went into theatre yesterday at 3pm and came back to the ward at 9pm. They had to remove five inches of his bowel to get the remaining two magnets.

‘They’ve also had to go through his intestines to get to them.

‘We don’t know where he got them from. His headteacher did a search and they found a lot of kids with them at school.’

Sue said Ellis, who has a sister, Poppy, ten, and brother Reagan, five, is currently facing a fight for his life as the next 24 hours are ‘crucial’ for his health.

She added: ‘The next 24 hours are going to be crucial. It’s all about how his body fights this infection now after his bowel burst.

‘We wouldn’t have ever expected this. He’s gone from being a happy, healthy 11-year-old to being hooked up on wires and drips. His mum hasn’t left his side since Wednesday, she can’t.

‘He went in thinking it was appendicitis, which itself is a big thing, and he’s ended up having major surgery.’

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