Call-out to under 30s: Show us what the next government should know about you

In the lead up to the federal election, we want to understand what matters to you. What can you show us about your life that Australia’s next government should know?

The past few years have been tough for everyone, but in some ways especially difficult for young adults.

If you’re aged 18 to 30, we want to know about you. Most importantly, we want you to tell the next government what it should know about you. What do Australia’s leaders need to know about your life so that they can steer the country in the right direction?

What can you show us about your life that Australia’s next government should know? It can be anything you like …

It can be anything you like – not so much which party you will vote for, but who you are and how you want to communicate that to the next government of Australia.

There is no one who can tell us about what’s going on in your world better than you.

You might like to …

  • Share a photo that you took some time in the past few years that gives an insight into one of the many things that has been going on for you;
  • Send us one of your social media posts, or a conversation you had over text or DMs;
  • Show us a video of something you saw. Or a clip of you and someone you love – or loved;
  • You could also write a poem, paint a picture, draw a sketch or scribble, or record a song.

Send it to us along with a short explanation of 100-300 words to accompany your audio or visual file.

Don’t feel like you have to summarise everything that’s important to you or everything that’s going on for you; we want to learn about one thing in particular. Something you believe our future government should know.

How to submit

Send your submission via email, to [email protected], or [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], depending on which state you’re in.

You must be aged 18 to 30 and be registered to vote – whether you will do so from Australia or overseas.

Tech specs

Videos and audio files must be no longer than two minutes, photos less than 10 MB.

You can submit alone or as part of a group.

For each person listed on the entry, include their: full name, age, location, email address and phone number.

You should address this question: In the lead-up to the federal election, we want to understand what matters to you. What can you show us about your life that Australia’s next government should know?

We will showcase the contributions across The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, the Brisbane Times and WA Today once a week.

Jacqueline Maley cuts through the noise of the federal election campaign with news, views and expert analysis. Sign up to our Australia Votes 2022 newsletter here.

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