Cat rescued from Ukraine apartment one month after Russian rocket attack

A cat stranded seven floors up in a bombed-out apartment block in a Kyiv suburb has been miraculously rescued four weeks after a Russian attack.

The feisty feline – which has probably used up most of its nine lives by now – was saved by local man Eugene Kibets and his team.

Based in the area of Borodyanka, the team used specialist fire fighting equipment to perform the heroic effort.

A huge fire truck crane was brought in, and the seven floors of debris were carefully navigated.

Once rescued, she was taken to a local animal clinic and has been videoed very excitedly eating a large tin of gourmet brand cat food.

She was later pictured being held by a local vet nurse, licking food off her nose.

Twitter users were united in sharing their love for the story.

Celebrity cat account Lorenzo The Cat wrote: “Holy S**t he did it!

“Eugene Kibets got the cat from the seventh floor of a bombed building.

“I know this is crazy, but amid the horror of war we have to celebrate the good in humanity.”

And Karen Bearor tweeted: “What that poor thing has been through.

“I can only imagine the terror of the bombing, and, of course, being left behind with no food.

“So happy to see her responding to well.”

And one user even went as far as giving her a new British-based political nickname.

Kroum Balabanov tweeted: “Let's dub her Thatcher – the Iron Lady.”

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No details have been released on who the cat's real owners are, or if they even managed to survive the bombing actions of Russia.

According to the BBC, the attacks by Russia on the area of Borodyanka were “targetted”, rather than random.

Journalist Jeremy Bowen, who visited the area shortly after the cat's building was hit, wrote: “The worst killing in Borodyanka might have come when several large blocks of flats were destroyed.

“Tons of concrete and steel collapsed into the cellars under the flats. Several people said dozens of civilians were lying dead under the rubble.

“The police said it could be hundreds.

“They are waiting for cranes and heavy lifting gear to start moving huge amounts of rubble to recover bodies.”

The official number of casualties in the area is still unknown.

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