Chilling moment killer Army wife carries lifeless newborn son to dump body in woods

THIS is the chilling moment a mum carried the lifeless body of her son to woodland before dumping his body.

Silipa Keresi, 38, had requested a termination months before tiny Maliki arrived – but was told it was too late.

She was captured on CCTV carrying a white blanket from a hotel in Hythe, Hantsm where she was living at the time just before 5am on March 4, 2020.

The mum-of-four was then seen around 20 minutes later walking past a nearby farm no longer carrying the covering.

The baby was discovered 30 hours later by a dog walker wrapped in a blood-covered blanket at the foot of a tree with his umbilical cord still attached.

Keresi denied infanticide and murder but was yesterday convicted on both counts following a trial.

Winchester Crown Court heard how the Fijian national was married to a former Commonwealth soldier in the British Army.

But after he left the military, she said she felt "distressed" about her immigration status.

She told the court that her life had been "hell for the past couple of years" with her family being homeless while living in a small hotel room, surviving on contributions from a food bank.

The mum said: "I felt my life was just chaos."

After discovering she was pregnant in November 2019, she visited the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) seeking a termination but was past the legal limit.

Midwives and GPs had repeatedly tried to contact Keresi during her pregnancy after she was denied the abortion but she failed to attend appointments.

She later told police that while she'd tried to be a good mother, she'd "snapped" when Maliki was born.

When asked what she meant, Keresi said: "God understands".

A post mortem foune Maliki would have been suffering from hypothermia with a cause of death given as an "omission of care".

Kerry Maylin, prosecuting, said: "On Thursday March 5 the police were contacted by a man called Michael Dorsett.

"He had found a baby wrapped in a blanket. He had been out for a walk with his dog in a woodland in Hythe, in the New Forest.

"As he walked [at about two o'clock] he saw something at the base of a tree.

"Initially he thought it was an animal but as he went to the base of the tree he saw a towel covered in blood.

"He eventually saw the face and knew it was a baby. He felt baby Maliki's cheek was cold, and there was no reaction."

Keresi was remanded in custody to be sentenced tomorrow.

    Source: Read Full Article

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