Chilling warning to Brits in Ukraine who could be slung in hellish POW camp

Brits who go to fight in Ukraine have been warned not to post in social media or they could be thrown in horror prisoner of war (POW) camps or paraded on camera for hostage videos.

SAS hero Phil Campion issued the worrying warning with scores of foolhardy Brits pledging to join the international legion and fight off the Russians.

The ex-special forces soldier is urging those who have travelled to Ukraine to be careful with what they post on their socials, as it could give away their positions and lead to their capture by the Russians or Russian-supporting rebels.

The 53-year-old told the Daily Star: “Make sure you know why you want to go, identify the key reasons why you want to go to Ukraine.

“If you are out there trying to increase your Instagram hits and try to portray all this and that, there is a good chance that if your personal security isn’t up to scratch, somebody on the wrong side will get their hands on you.

“And God forbid if they do. Because if you do end up on the other side of the fence for whatever reason, that’s going to cause all sorts of political backlash, this that and the other.

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“It could end up extremely untidy. You’re going to be paraded. It could even end up boiler suit material.

“You’d get your Instagram followers alright, but it wouldn’t be because you did anything spectacular. It would be because you’re being paraded around by some lunatic on the end of a rope. It would just be horrendous.

“It’s just so much better off if you don’t go unless you have something serious to take to the party or you really have a genuine, genuine reason to be there.”

‘Big’ Phil, who presents a daily breakfast show on ForceRadio, even said he would think twice and “weigh up all the options” if he was to personally go and fight in Ukraine.

He explained: “My family is here. I’ve put my life on the line for this country and you wouldn’t be getting any big shiny contracts to go over there. So, I would have really strong feelings to go over there.

“At the moment I see my position on this as best advising people not to go, rather than leading by example and sending myself over there.”

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