College which threw party on same day as No10 bash faces prosecution

College which threw a Christmas party on the same day as Downing Street bash faces prosecution after staff member died of Covid days later

  • Burnley College has been investigated for nearly a year over Christmas parties 
  • Teacher Donna Coleman, 42, died days after a bash on December 18 last year 
  • Did not attend event but had complained about college’s approach to Covid 

A college which threw a Christmas party on the same day as the infamous Downing Street bash is facing prosecution after a staff member died days later.

Burnley College in Lancashire has been investigated by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) for nearly a year since the event on December 18, 2020.

The same day up to 50 staff allegedly met in No10. They drank wine and exchanged Secret Santa gifts, while Jack Doyle, then the PM’s Deputy Director of Communications, is said to have made a thank you speech.

Stephanie Coleman, whose sister Donna, 42, worked at the college and died from Covid-19, said HSE should now investigate the government too.

Stephanie Coleman, (front) whose sister Donna, 42, (right) worked at the college and died from Covid-19, said HSE should now investigate the government too

She said: ‘If a college can face an investigation like this, then I think the government should face the same inquiry.

‘I was horrified that the college held a party during lockdown after staff including my sister had contracted Covid.

‘I was stunned to find out that the PM and his colleagues seem to have been doing the same thing.’

The college is accused of hosting a number of small, faculty-based parties on the afternoon of December 18 which included an indoor karaoke session and alcohol.

Donna did not attend them but had previously raised concerns about the college’s allegedly lax approach to Covid rules.

A video of one of the parties which was held during strict lockdown rules and a ban on Christmas gatherings has been examined by investigators.

Footage shows one member of staff striding into a darkened sports hall, wearing an open chested Santa’s jacket, where he performs a song.

In front of him, a seated crowd of non-socially distanced audience members cheer while they record his rendition of ‘It’s Raining Men’ by The Weather Girls.

At the time, Lancashire was in a ‘very high alert’ tier, where socialising was banned within outdoor and indoor spaces and hospitality and entertainment venues were closed.

Donna did not attend the parties but had previously raised concerns about the college’s allegedly lax approach to Covid rules

Stephanie, 39, said it was ‘heartbreaking’ to watch the video and said she was angry that neither the college nor seemingly the government had decided to ‘lead by example’.

‘Seeing people partying when we are now having to grieve on the first-anniversary of not having Donna with us, when it all could have been avoided is just heart-breaking,’ she said.

‘People are allowed to have a good time, but they shouldn’t have been allowed to there, on those grounds. You’ve got to lead by example. It’s disgraceful.’

Stephanie, from Burnley, said that programme leader Donna began to raise concerns about her safety in the lead up to students returning to the FE college in September.

‘She was asked to go back to do some claims, so she did, as there was only her and another person in the office,’ she said.

‘At that point, she said there was nothing in place, but it was kind of okay as she’d brought her own mask and taken her own hand sanitiser in.’

‘But in September, 100 percent of staff and students were back.

‘She told me: ”There’s 15 of us in our staff room, and there’s no social distancing going on”.’

Stephanie, from Burnley, said that programme leader Donna began to raise concerns about her safety in the lead up to students returning to the FE college in September. Donna is seen on a night out – she did not attend the college Christmas parties 

Stephanie claimed that at the time there was a culture of denial about Covid at the college, with staff often commenting that it didn’t exist within its premises.

‘The line was ”Well, Covid doesn’t exist at Burnley college – do you not know?” she said. ‘But Burnley had one of the highest rates in the country.’

Stephanie urged her sister to complain, but she had said that she was afraid of losing her job.

She said: ‘We spoke daily. We were very, very close, and she said, ”Steph, I’m frightened for my job, I can’t afford not to be in”.’

A HSE spokesman said: ‘We were contacted early in 2021 about concerns relating to COVID and appropriate control measures at Burnley College.

‘The concerns also referred to a staff member who had died following a COVID-related illness. We hope to conclude our investigation in January 2022.’

The spokesman added: ‘We are aware of the video footage and that there were ‘Christmas events’ at the College.

‘As the investigation is ongoing, we do not have any further comments to make.’

Burnley College said at the time: ‘The college is in dialogue with the Health and Safety Executive in relation to Donna’s tragic death.’ 

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