COVID-19 protocols implicated in deaths and harm of Victorian patients

Key points

  • A new report from Victoria’s health safety watchdog on adverse safety events that result in serious harm or death, included 22 cases linked to COVID-19 protocols, such as visiting restrictions, staff shortages and a more difficult working environment.
  • In some cases, the “fixation on COVID-19 symptoms led to incidents of misdiagnoses and omission of, or increased waiting times” for tests that would have indicated the patient was actually suffering from something else.

Visitor restrictions and other effects of COVID-19 in Victoria’s hospitals were factors in the deaths or serious harm of several patients, while a “fixation” on COVID-19 symptoms led to cases of misdiagnosis or increased waiting times.

In the early stages of the pandemic, many COVID-19 patients weren’t allowed to have family members by their hospital bed as they died. These restrictions were in force to protect the very sick from the potentially deadly virus, as several hospital outbreaks cost the lives of vulnerable patients.

A sign outside a COVID-19 isolation ward in Melbourne in the early part of the pandemic.Credit:Eddie Jim

However, a new report from Victoria’s health safety watchdog on sentinel events – defined as adverse patient safety events that result in serious harm or death – included 22 cases between July 2020 and July last year linked to COVID-19, such as the visiting restrictions, staff shortages and more difficult working environment.

In some cases, the “fixation on COVID-19 symptoms led to incidents of misdiagnoses and omission of, or increased waiting times” for tests that would have indicated the patient was actually suffering from something else, the Safer Care Victoria report said.

Many nurses have said enforcing the visitor bans, which often also impacted non-COVID patients, has been one of the most difficult elements of the pandemic. They were traumatised by holding up iPads so that patients’ loved ones might see their final breaths.

“While the no-visitor policy has been absolutely vital, to promote staff and patient safety, it doesn’t make telling a mother she can’t visit her son (who has just been in a horrific car accident and is now in a coma) any easier,” said one young intensive care nurse, who shared her experience as part of a new book on the experience of healthcare workers in the pandemic.

One of the book’s authors is Professor Marie Bismark who said while the visitor restrictions were made “for very good reasons at the time”, with the benefit of hindsight they could have been applied in a more nuanced way.

She said many people she had spoken to would have been willing to wear full protective gear or do whatever it took to be able to support a loved one.

“In some ways, the word ‘visitors’ doesn’t encompass what family and friends provide to someone in hospital,” said the doctor and public health law expert with the University of Melbourne.

“They can help with making sure people are eating and drinking… they can recognise when someone is deteriorating, they can provide a lot of care that otherwise falls onto nursing staff.”

“Family and friends are really an essential part of the care team, and I don’t think that was adequately recognised.”

Meanwhile, health workers at the front doors of hospitals were threatened, or sometimes even assaulted when communicating the visitor rules they had no control over, Bismark said.

Of the 168 sentinel event cases in the Safer Care Victoria report, 123 cases ended in the patient’s death. Most incidents aren’t discussed in detail, but the report does go into some depth about a case that occurred at an unnamed local Victorian health service, unrelated to COVID-19 visiting restrictions.

A woman who fell and broke her leg while holidaying in Queensland endured five cancellations of her surgery, by which time she had gone nine days without medication to reduce blood clots. She died of a pulmonary embolism (blood clot).

There were also 19 sentinel events related to mental health, 15 cases of medication error, 13 falls, three patient accidents and one case of a procedure performed on the wrong side. Over a dozen newborn babies died or came to harm.

Visitor bans in hospitals have been wound back since Victoria’s lockdowns ended and some people are allowed to visit unvaccinated if they have a negative rapid test. However, notable restrictions continue, with many hospitals only allowing up to one or two visitors per patient a day during select times.

Jane Miller, the deputy state controller of health service operations at Victoria’s Health Department, said hospitals had made changes to improve patients’ access with their loved ones including a growing hospital in the home program, but she said the rules that were in place in 2020 and 2021 were to save lives from a highly transmissible disease.

“We know there are lots of benefits to have visitors by the bedside. And we know that restricting them was tough on everyone – the patient, the family and the staff. But it was absolutely necessary.”

Safer Care Victoria concluded that visitor restrictions may have resulted in bad outcomes for some patients, contributing to falls in hospital, causing fractures or head injuries. The restrictions particularly impacted those from non-English-speaking backgrounds.

“Health services need to improve how they involve families/support person(s) in care discussions and may need to adapt innovative solutions, such as video calls and designated roles assigned for family communication,” the report said.

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