Drink driving hair stylist banned from road blames juice only diet

Drink driving hair stylist, 41, is banned from the road after blaming her juice only diet on being nearly four times over limit when she crashed her car on way home from the pub

  • Gaynor Godwin, of Bromley, had after-work drinks at a local Wetherspoons
  • The single mum pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol in her breath
  • She had 130 micrograms of alcohol in 100ml of breath, while the legal limit is 35
  • She claimed she only had two wine spritzers, heard Bromley Magistrates’ Court

A mobile hair stylist blamed her special juice-only diet for being nearly four times the drink-drive limit when she crashed into another car after leaving a pub, a court heard.

Gaynor Godwin, 41, had to hold onto one of the arresting police officers’ to steady herself as she staggered out of her vehicle, Bromley Magistrates’ Court was told.

‘She had for some weeks before been blending fruit and vegetables and had not been eating properly,’ said Nick Ferrari, defending. 

‘Drinking alcohol on such a limited diet would knock anyone for six.’

The single mother, of Bromley pleaded guilty to driving her white BMW estate, with excess alcohol in her breath, on May 31 in Glassmill Lane. 

She had 130 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, while the legal limit is 35.

Gaynor Godwin, 41, was disqualified from driving for 30 months and must complete 150 hours community service. She was also ordered to pay £85 costs and a £95 victim surcharge

The single mum, of Colebrook Rise, Shortlands, Bromley pleaded guilty to driving her white BMW estate, with excess alcohol in her breath, on May 31 in nearby Glassmill Lane. She had 130 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, while the legal limit is 35

Godwin told police she only had two wine spritzers at a local Wetherspoons during after-work drinks.

She claimed the collision would probably have occurred even if she was sober, blaming the other vehicle for speeding into her path and suddenly stopping in front of her.

‘Your conduct on this day was disgraceful,’ magistrate Alan Austin told Godwin. ‘You were very drunk and you put other people’s lives in danger.

‘You are an intelligent woman and you know the dangers of drink-driving. With all your responsibilities you should not be doing this.’

Godwin was disqualified from driving for 30 months and must complete 150 hours community service. She was also ordered to pay £85 costs and a £95 victim surcharge.

Prosecutor Denise Clewes told the court police were called just before 11.00pm to a traffic accident on a bend.

‘They saw two vehicles, one of which was a white BMW with damage to the front bumper and they saw Ms Godwin get back in the car and was sitting in the driver’s seat.

‘She declined assistance and told the officers she was not injured, but as she got out she reaches out to grab the officer’s arm to steady herself.’

The officers noted Godwin was ‘incomprehensible to understand’.

Godwin’s two female passengers were uninjured and she was arrested after failing a roadside breath-test.

The other driver was injured and taken to hospital after being removed from their Toyota.

Godwin had to hold onto one of the arresting police officers’ to steady herself as she staggered out of her vehicle, Bromley Magistrates’ Court (pictured) was told

‘At Bromley Police Station the custody Sergeant noted she was unsteady on her feet and abusive to the arresting officers and there was a strong smell of alcohol coming from her.

‘When questioned she said she was driving downhill and did not brake in time and collided with the other car.

‘She said: “We had a few in the pub with dinner, we shared a bottle and a half of wine between three of us and I felt okay to drive.”

‘It is a very high reading and a high-level of impairment,’ added Ms Clewes, revealing Godwin was also convicted of drink-driving in Marbella, Spain in 2010.

‘It was a minor accident, a prang of the vehicle,’ said Mr Ferrari. ‘There will be hefty consequences and she will not be able to continue as a mobile hairdresser by driving to customers’ homes to cut their hair.

‘She is a dedicated parent and realises this sort of behaviour could deprive her eleven year-old son of her if this offence was met with a sentence of imprisonment.’

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